Wednesday 26 December 2018

2019 Year of Claiming

Can you believe that it is almost 2019? The year of Mastery 2018 was challenging with all the personal retrograde planets that impacted us throughout the year. 2019 will only have 3 Mercury Retrogrades and both Mars and Venus will be direct all year. Mastery was all about understanding and growing who we are. This New Year has been termed Year of Claiming by Lori Wilson and while she channeled her New Year Forecast by Grandmother.

2019 Year of Claiming

While listening to Lori’s interview I wanted to explore some of the relevant points that I felt impacted me. Before being able to ‘claim’ yourself this year you have to have felt ‘claimed’. I think this was instrumental in examining my life. For most of my life I have not felt ‘claimed’ by my family or felt I belonged. I have always searched for my acceptance and inclusion with a deeper spiritual family. Unfortunately this did not always have a happy ending. I know what it is like to feel abandoned, as it has been my ‘story’ for most of my life. However, I have for many years, recognized it as a ‘story’ – I see things from this perspective even when another part of me knows this isn’t truth. My search for a spiritual family often hurt even more than a family I never really felt a connection to – due to my feelings about being adopted – because I felt like my spiritual community should live from the same code of ethics that I lived by. Unfortunately that was almost never the case – as ego impacts us all – especially those given roles – and I would view any perceived betrayal from my perspective of ‘abandonment’. A lose/lose perceived situation.

Lori and Grandmother reminded me that my claiming was never from people – maybe my cats – but like most people I feel a deep connection with nature. I remember as a child that whenever I felt a need to find my connection, wellbeing or happiness and when I felt the most open was finding my way to a specific ‘place’ – a sacred place to me was being in nature: walking through a forest, sitting by Georgian Bay or watching the stars. Today I still feel the need to find comfort in residing so close to the Lake and walking along it daily and by searching the skies. I don’t really live anywhere near a forest anymore although there are some lovely big old trees. I do feel claimed by both the water and the night skies (even under the light pollution of Toronto). We need to be reminded that there is something Bigger than ourselves available to us.

We need to be reminded that there is something Bigger than ourselves available to us – a sense of community and belonging

Once we feel ‘claimed’ and remind ourselves that we are connected and part of something bigger – a sense of community and belonging – then we can work on ‘claiming’ ourselves outwardly. The first place we are recommended to start is our ‘home’. Grandmother suggests that we first need to feel our ‘home’ is where we ‘nest’ and most of us tend to focus our energies on others and putting their needs before us. I know that is something I work with a lot and often in the past few years I have nested much more. This incoming year is important to ‘nest’ but not for hiding or healing, at least for me. I see this as a need to use our ‘home’ as a way to feel safe and to expand our ‘claiming’ of who we are. I was told in my recent interview with Lori and Grandmother that hibernation in my ‘home’ is necessary and I need to work on this ‘claiming’ by writing and enhancing my teaching abilities to assist each of you to recognize you are Divinely Unique. I like that because honestly I still need to feel my safe place is home. ‘Home’ to me is where the Heart lies and my actual home is where I live and work – so feeling safe in my ‘home’ is a must.

Next is our body – 2018 was a year where I focused on my health as I have had some challenges over the past few years – so I really wanted to feel better from within. I have been taking more responsibility over my health; I have witnessed how harmful some substances – that are socially acceptable like sugar and alcohol – are to our temples. I know that teaching about addictions may be a continuation of the teachings of my work as it relates to viewing how we distract ourselves and harm ourselves because we allow our fears to push us to seek something comforting when we are feeling emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually uncomfortable. Learning that our body is a temple and nourishing it is my new priority and now that it is working better I can definitely focus on nourishing it and honoring it as my inner home.

I can feel that the definition of ‘home’ seems to be a theme both personally and for 2019 as a whole. To ‘claim’ yourself or who you are requires knowing your ‘home’ – both physically as in where you live and also the ‘home’ within your body. What does ‘home’ mean to you? If our ‘home’ isn’t safe and nourishing then how can we fully stand up to ‘claim’ who we are? We need to unconditionally Love and Accept our Self, our inner and outer environment as well as the community within which we live. To fully Love and Accept we need to take responsibility for where we are before we can truly ‘know’ who we are. So ‘home’ will have a greater importance this year as we accept responsibility for what we choose to focus on doing. Claiming our Self will require nourishing and nurturing ‘Home’!

My hope for you this 2019 is for you to Claim your excellence and Divine Uniqueness within everything you do and to allow your ‘Home’ to shine brightly the Divine Essence that is all that You Are!

Focus 2019 shared by Lori and Grandmother offers two hours of valuable information which I highly recommend listening to so that you can determine what your focus will be. I will come to a deeper understanding of ‘home’ so that I can ‘claim’ my new focus of teaching. I will honor and nurture my inner and outer expression of Who I Am and step easily and Graciously into Radiating Unconditional Love and Acceptance while acknowledging the Divine within everything! My hope for you this 2019 is for you to Claim your excellence and Divine Uniqueness within everything you do and to allow your ‘Home’ to shine brightly the Divine Essence that is all that You Are!

From my Heart to Yours 

This entry was posted in Blog and tagged addictionsDivine HealthHappy New Year 2019HomeLaurie HustonLori WilsonYear of Claiming. Bookmark the permalink.

Monday 26 November 2018

Finding Peace

As I sit writing this we are coming up to the Beginning of the Holiday Season – it was right before the American Thanksgiving which leads to our Christmas Season. Every culture has Holidays during the end of theYear where we can feel Blessed and Grateful. The Spirit of Giving to others is part of the Magic that surrounds us each year at this time. We have movies that make us cry and laugh and fill us with Hope. We visit our families, friends and loved ones – some of these visits are challenging while others are exactly what our Soul needs. When I get into the Holiday Spirit each year I connect with this Magical Essence that reminds me why I work so hard to Grow Up and Find my Peace. Emmanuel Dagher during our last Club Miracles session discussed Good Fortune and how we just need to feel worthy of our Blessings and to be in the Flow of Life to experience Good Fortune. However, what I resonated with the most and of course what has been ‘showing up’ is that during this time one of our challenges with BEing in the Flow (BEing in the Present moment) is our ability to Love and Accept ourselves for who we are; to find Peace in where we are at the moment.

The Spirit of Giving to others is part of the Magic that surrounds us each year at this time.

We all have experiences, challenges, choices and personal stories that we have judged and continue to relive – things that we are unhappy about and especially around this time of the year when we set up our expectations for the Holiday Season such as visiting family or friends – events that can feel more like an ‘obligation’ than an ‘invitation to Share the Magic of the Season’. We have all experienced physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges, hardships, aches and pains, that tend to mold us or define us – as who we are or who we believe we are. We feel shame and guilt around our choices during these experiences – consciously or unconsciously – and how we react towards others as well as the parts of ourselves that experienced these challenges. However mostly we think about what we could have, would have, or should have done differently – we try to DO something that will fix, change, and heal the problem.

We try to control what happens. We try to find a way so that it never happens again and we often try to do this by doing something differently. Unfortunately this usually falls short of our goal to ‘fix’ the thing because we are in linear time – thinking about the past or worrying about the future where change is almost impossible because we are looking at what happens as a problem – from the perspective that something was ‘Wrong’ and then we are continually recreating it through our fears from the past. But we can’t change, fix or heal anything when we perceive it from the same energy that created it in the first place – a fear created within the first seven years of our lives. These fears are continued because we relive the same energy that created them from the past experiences we had (unconsciously) and we believed the fears were real. And by now you no doubt realize that our perception of what is ‘real’ is often based on our past experiences and the fears that we added to our ‘story’ from our past experiences – ‘stories’ that are not necessarily from the Truth.

We try to control what happens.

The only way we can be in charge of our responses – and therefore shift our fears – is if we are in the present moment or Flow of Life. We can’t change what happened! We can’t control what is to happen in the future. We can only shift our experience of each happening by changing how we respond to it and this can only be done when we are in the Now Moment – which means we can’t be reliving the past or worrying about the future. We can feel the ever present connection to all that is. I often do this through breath; others can uncover it by reviewing their five senses, meditating etc.

Once we are in the present moment we can consciously choose how we would like to respond to things that ‘happen’ in our lives. However, as Emmanuel pointed out, our problem with BEing in the present moment is that often we don’t like it! We aren’t happy with where we are – our current situation and its association with our past physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experiences. Which finally leads us to our heading of ‘Finding Peace’. We have to find a way to make peace with ourselves and our lives just as they are right now. It doesn’t mean we have to enjoy it, like it or condone it – and we most definitely shouldn’t be denying our experiences – we simply need to make peace with our current situation: to find a way to BE compassionate with ourself by sending love and compassion to each area of our self and of our life – or to our Self as a whole. We can send love and compassion for all the thoughts we’ve had, judgements, choices we’ve made and MAKE Peace with them – everything – we can fully accept them because they happened or they are part of who we are right now. Do not try to deny or sugar coat things – simply make peace with who You are – send love and compassion to all those parts of your Self now!

This is a Magical Time, BE inspired Hold Love, Acceptance & Inner Peace within your Heart.

What does physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Peace feel like? If you have any resistance to Peace send love and compassion to the resistance – the areas that you are frustrated with; the areas that you feel you need to change, fix, heal and/or that you judge about yourself and others. Give permission to step into peace when you are ready – use your five senses: sight, taste, smell, touch, sounds – how do they help you understand Peace? Can you connect to your Inner Self through your senses? Does your sixth sense establish your connection to Self? However you connect to Self, do you sense Peace or do you sense fear? Release your need to control everything and instead align with ease and peace – align with the present moment.

This is a Magical Time, a time which always inspires me to hold Love, Acceptance and Inner Peace within my Heart. I hope that you can capture some of the Magic – and find Peace to Nurture your Divine Essence. Let that Essence flow out into your life now and always – and KNOW You are Worthy! Be part of the True Spirit of the Holidays & Find Peace in the Moment. Happy Holidays from My Heart to Yours!

Tuesday 30 October 2018

BEing is a Choice

“’Doing’ is a means to an end but ‘Being’ is a choice.” This quote came to me as I was preparing for a meditation this month. I thought it was important because it embodies what I have been teaching for years now. Things happen and we react to what is happening by ‘doing’ something to change it if we don’t like what is happening. Even when our heart is in the right place we are still manipulating what is happening in our lives or the lives of others. We may try to fix, change, heal – but we are ‘doing’ something to manipulate what is happening. Doing is just a way to change our outside world. We may do things from fear or from a place of love – however it is still ‘doing’ something on the outside in hopes to change how we feel about what is happening on the inside. The outside world is dictating to us how to respond to a given situation. And this is backwards!

’Doing’ is a means to an end but ‘Being’ is a choice.

What happens to us isn’t a choice – how we respond to it is. How we choose to ‘show up’ to the world is a choice. How we choose to BE in any given moment is a choice. The outside dictates our reactions only when we are unconscious and stuck in linear time – thinking about the past or future and not in the NOW moment. We can choose to respond to any situation out of Love and Compassion. We can choose to BE happy or be angry when someone does something we don’t like. We can begin our day setting an intention of how we want to feel or BE during the day and make a conscious effort to remain in that energy all day regardless of what happens around us – because we have a choice! We are the only one who can choose how to ‘show up’ in our lives.

Let me explain the bit about being unconscious and stuck in linear time. When something happens – good or bad – we/our brain (ego) automatically reacts to situations from our past experiences and our reactions are mostly unconscious. This is our brain’s way of compartmentalizing various responses and how we create patterns. Our brain believes we have already ‘defined’ our experiences and our emotions and sees each event as similar to another event so our brain automatically responds the same way as it did in the past. This is typically where we get stuck – because we have responded to betrayal or an accident or pretty much anything that has ever happened to us in the same way as we have before. It is why we see the world the way we do. It is part of our ‘story’ and that story continues unconsciously until we begin to see the world for the first time again … as we stand in the present moment BEing fully conscious. Then and only then can we choose how we want to respond in any given situation. And also be aware that there is a choice in how to respond.

What happens to us isn’t a choice – how we respond to it is.

Let us consider our media – it is full of fear and promotes a world where fear establishes how we respond in situations and therefore we can be more easily manipulated towards buying certain products and reacting towards other life situations. Media seems to believe we need or want to stimulate our emotions through fear. How many shows, books, and news events are full of fear? In fact most newscasts are heavily permeated with events that elicit fear as a response. Of course fear is the opposite of love and consists of all the negative emotions like anger, frustration, envy, betrayal even hate. How many people are persuaded by the fear that is propagated via media? We believe that we are all victims just waiting for the next robber, murderer or other negative ‘event’ to happen. We are also in a world filled with organizations that believe they can help us by perpetuating the ‘victim mentality’. Our media elicits reactions from us by manipulating how we see, respond and share events. How many times have you changed how you viewed an event because media swayed your ‘feelings’ toward what happened or is about to happen? How many times have you made a decision on something like the legalization of marijuana (which occurred nationwide in Canada on Oct 17th) and you may have initially thought it was a good thing but then listened to the fear that the media proliferated and then you began to question your own beliefs and thoughts on the matter? This happens all the time and most of the time we are completely unaware why our belief may have changed. We don’t always recognize how fear manipulates our responses to situations where fear was not there in the past. We are manipulated to respond by outside influences and we react accordingly.

Some people even believe that fear is necessary to help us see the ‘truth’. There are many ‘spiritual teachers/leaders’ that believe that by revealing the truth – which is often laced with fear that this will assist us to grow. Maybe believing that only fear motivates change is how some may see it but I don’t adhere to that philosophy and I believe that no matter what is happening outside of us we have the choice to choose how we respond. In fact, I believe we can only change our outer world by facing our fears and choosing Love! Bringing us full circle – we have a choice – and we can choose Love or Fear within us first. By choosing Love we change what happens outside in the world. By choosing Fear we change what happens outside in our world. Events happen every moment of every day and bad things, bad events, can happen to good people – but are we ever really victims? I say NO because we can choose how we respond to any event. It doesn’t mean it won’t make us afraid – but fear doesn’t have to debilitate us. We can choose to move beyond the fear and do Great things by choosing to Love or by having compassion and empathy over living. Or we can respond in a fearful way.

I invite you to make a conscious choice how you want to BE and how you want to ‘show up’ in your life.

I invite you to make a conscious choice how you want to BE and how you want to ‘show up’ in your life. And as each day proceeds – we can make a conscious effort to BE how we want to BE! Our purpose is to Grow Up and this happens by our BEcoming conscious and choosing Love, Acceptance, and Compassion for ourselves and for others. Let’s create the world we want – not the world dictated to us through fear. When we ‘do’ something let’s be conscious of how we are feeling and BEing about it. Let’s do this from a place of BEing Love. My Heart to Yours. 

This entry was posted in Blog and tagged BEcoming LoveBEingBEing is a ChoiceConscious ChoicesIntuitive Counselingintuitive counselorLaurie HustonLove over Fear.

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Monday 1 October 2018

Failure and Responsibility

This month’s inspiration came again from Emmanuel Dagher and my beginning work with Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song. I think about many concepts in my mind as I grow on this journey. Last month I touched on Failure in Feelings vs Emotions. Since then the Fear of Failure has become a theme in my work. This is always a sign about the importance of something entering my life. And I pride myself on being a Leader by Example. When I go through something I know I can assist others. So the Fear of Failure is one of our deep core fears that can be responsible for blocking us from Thriving in this life. Plus: Responsibility is something I have examined many times – as I knew that this term “responsibility” carried a heavy weight. Emmanuel in our last Healing Session from Club Miracles shared that Lack of Prosperity often is because we feel too much “responsibility” in our lives and this ‘heaviness’ is closely related to our Fear of Failure.

Fear of Failure is one of our deep core fears that can be responsible for blocking us from Thriving in this life.

Let’s look at this concept of responsibility. When we feel a responsibility towards something or someone we feel obligated and can feel guilty or shame when we don’t measure up or perceive ourselves as a ‘failure’! I remember working at the Government and feeling the heavy weight of ‘responsibility’ towards colleagues, staff, clients and society as a whole. Then I would examine my anxiety around the responsibilities toward family obligations and even cleaning (as I have allergies with dust so cleaning would create other problems). This concept I had over ‘responsibility’ was way too dense and heavy energetically. I would begin to feel anxious at any hint of responsibility … until I figured it out and then I began to understand that it was my perceptions of responsibility that was to blame and not my work, family and home that was the problem. And I thought I had shifted it; clarified my relationship with responsibility. However, when Emmanuel was sharing our perceptions around financial freedom and that it is our fear of responsibility that is causing the blocks – I remembered my earlier understandings and realized that responsibility still plays a HUGE role in my fear around financial freedom. I look at Income Tax and specifically HST as a block – which is a responsibility that I don’t want.  However I also feel responsible to my clients, my listeners and the audience of my website. When something goes wrong I feel responsible for it.

Responsibility is a heavy burden that blocks us from living a stress free life. Emmanuel suggests that the only responsibility we have is to our Soul/Heart/I Am Presence and making our Sacred Self happy and expressing what It wants. Everything else is just irrelevant and noise in our life that blocks us from experiencing Unconditional Love and Acceptance. Now bring in our ‘Fear of Failure’ and ‘Responsibility’ and we see that they play a BIG role. Responsibility pushes us to DO what society or our own guilt and shame believes is ‘right’ and when that doesn’t happen or because we want to be ‘socially acceptable’ this triggers Fear of Failure. As a core fear, Failure/Success or Right/Wrong are intricately ingrained in Fear of Failure. This Fear of Failure is also ingrained in our Ego and in our mind’s attempt to control us, it pushes us to ‘do’ things – to fix, heal or manipulate our environment – it’s a fear we create where we perceive we aren’t successful or fear our own success as it all culminates in Fear of Failure. It is an interesting slide into propagating a core fear – Failure.

We perceive so many things – including relationships – as Failures yet nothing is a failure from our Highest Perspective. Our Higher Self knows that everything is perfect – that there is nothing to Do and all we need is to BE our Sacred Self. Yet how do we get to the place where we can understand how our fears wiggle into our minds and block us from expressing the Essence of Who we Are? We often don’t even see how core fears impact us. When I thought about failure I would not see that I feared failure because I felt successful in what I do. I feel so blessed that I can do what I love and no longer fear basic survival needs being met. However, if I look at ‘responsibility’ along with ‘Failure’, I can see that Fear of Failure is alive and well. It lies underneath where I haven’t allowed access consciously. Yet now I see it everywhere and showing up where it is unexpected. They say you are never given anything you can’t deal with but what happens when you don’t see it? Unfortunately the fears don’t go away because you don’t see them. And of course if we are serious about Growing Up then when we are ready teachers or teachings come into our lives to help us understand ourselves better and uncover our fears.

Our Higher Self knows that everything is perfect – that there is nothing to Do and all we need is to BE our Sacred Self.

I invite you to begin to recognize when you may have a fear hidden in your unconscious waiting to become conscious so that you can work with it. Peace Mother offered a wonderful tool when helping us observe our fears – by making lists of people or situations that still hold energy that is unloved within us. For as long as I can remember I get upset when things don’t go the way I wanted, my fear of Responsibility showing up, and this is because I have felt betrayed by teachers and anyone who should provide reliable service. It was my fear of being betrayed and disappointed due to my own fears around Responsibility. Peace Mother suggested creating lists of people and situations that still hold some energy and pray, bless and find forgiveness for each one. I believe part of the dilemma we have is that we don’t always know what fears we have and how the core fears – Fear of being alone, Fear of Failure, Fear of losing something (death), and Fear of the Unknown – are underlying our thoughts and feelings and are unconscious within us. I invite you to find a way to check in with your Sacred Self and ask what our Higher Self/Soul really wants instead of what our ego wants. My Heart to Yours.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Emotions and Core Fears

Like everyone I am always trying to better myself or ‘Grow Up’ as Tom Campbell would say. And one of the things I do is partake in Emmanuel Dagher’s Club Miracles where we have a live healing meditation each month. This past month the healing meditation was on core fears which Emmanuel believes are Fear of being alone, Fear of Failure, Fear of losing something (death), and Fear of the Unknown. He also looked at how our emotions are just our mind/ego’s way of distracting us from our deeper core fears that our unconscious believes are too painful.

So let’s consider this: every time we react out of anger, frustration, pain, sadness, guilt, shame or despair etc. we are actually suppressing a deeper core fear. For example, I, like many women, struggle with sabotaging my health and weight and after reading Jessica Ortner’s best-selling book: The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence (on sale right now) I was able to identify with the deep shame women often feel who are overweight because we all are told how it is our lack of willpower and how we sabotage ourselves to get where we are (she discloses some deep truths in this book that are hard to accept as it reveals such painful truths). I mean we are where we are because we choose to be that way, right? However, taking it a step further: that betrayal I felt and the eating I have done to distract myself from a betrayal I perceive (whether it is personal to me or through reading or streaming movies), is actually suppressing a deeper core fear … or four. After listening to Emmanuel’s meditation the last piece fell together. I have felt like a failure, which blocks me and I feel alone.

every time we react out of anger, frustration, pain, sadness, guilt, shame or despair etc. we are actually suppressing a deeper core fear

I always understood the Fear of being alone: that abandonment aspect has been a core pattern that I have identified for most of my life. However what I didn’t see was that underneath this fear – or attached to this fear – is the Fear of Failure. I could identify with the story that has been a prime focus in my life around abandonment and betrayal (which has run deep and it was through reading Jessica’s book I could identify with how the betrayal originally settled in around food) but I never felt like a failure or that core fear never felt that strong until I read her book and followed up with Emmanuel’s meditation. I love that when we truly search for an answer the Universe will grant it with whatever will resonate with you best to fully integrate your learning.

So the opportunity that arises for us is to identify when we are reacting to something or someone: what is the deeper core fear that we don’t feel safe feeling? Or what are the deeper core fears attached to these distracting emotions? As in my case there were two core fears that I need to be aware of, and for some there may be three or all four fears that are being triggered or distracted from feeling. And as we share in my interviews with Tom Campbell we need to have courage to face our fears. We just need to dive in and allow expression of these fears and to acknowledge that our higher aspects of Self knows that these fears are irrational and NOT truth. By allowing ourselves the opportunity to actually feel into these core fears grants us the ability to disperse the energy that these fears have been holding within us. And once we completely Let Go of this energy it will no longer cause us angst or have power over us to keep us in the pattern we used to distract ourselves from this or these fears. The released energy will allow us to be fully conscious of the choices we have made and allow us to consciously discharge the energy blocks that have kept our unconscious need to distract ourselves from the perceived discomfort. It will allow us to make better choices instead of choices based on fears.

our ego tries to save us from the perceived pain that our core fears have over us

Our Spirit is infinitely aware of all; it knows without a shadow of a doubt that we are never truly alone, never a failure, never lost or dead and there is nothing unknown. However, our ego tries to save us from the perceived pain that our core fears have over us. But instead of the deeper core fears we even try to distract ourselves from our experienced emotions – which are just another trick of our ego. But isn’t it fascinating that our emotions, the ones we distract ourselves from with our addictions: food, alcohol, sugar, reading, binge watching – anything that we currently do to distract ourselves from feeling uncomfortable – are just distracting us from an even deeper fear? We all do it, we all use some form of addiction to distract ourselves when feeling uncomfortable. And underneath that discomfort is an even deeper core fear, a fear that you may never have been conscious of if you didn’t dig deeper or allowed the emotion to be felt so that you could then observe and learn from the deeper fear/s associated with this emotion you are trying to repress.

I think that we live in really exciting times and feel Blessed to have these opportunities to Grow towards Love by examining all my fears. As we peel the layers to our emotions that are a reaction to a deeper fear – we are offered this incredible Gift. We can truly be in charge of our emotions and our choices. This isn’t easy work. However it can be an opportunity to expand our consciousness and connect into the Infinite Love, Acceptance and Joy that is within us at all times. It delivers us the ability to remove everything that blocks us from our own Truth and Inner Being that is who we are! Join me on this incredible journey Home.

Sunday 2 September 2018

The Secrets to unlocking your dreams – Soul Speak Season 6

Are you living your FULL POTENTIAL or are you uncomfortable in your comfort? Ever wonder how those experts you know and love are living their dreams life? They make it seem so easy…

If you’re like me, you’re seeking greater happiness, a more accepting, loving relationship with yourself, ending self-sabotage and self-limitation, fulfilling your purpose and learning how to master your emotions, thoughts, energy and unconscious blocks!

And I want to help you.

So how would you like to attend a FREE Retreat for your Soul with me and other like-minded seekers who are committed to doing the same?

You don’t even need to leave the coziness of your home to do it!

I’ve been invited to this year’s global healing and learning sensation – Soul Speak.

And so are YOU!

Come join me and other expert teachers, healers, coaches, educators as we support you in healing and transforming your life while creating the greatest version of it existing in your heart…right now!
Come join me and other expert teachers, healers, coaches, educators as we support you in healing and transforming your life while creating the greatest version of it existing in your heart…right now!
Because I’m a facilitator in this incredible retreat you get to attend the entire two-week event online for free! Find out More Here…
You can attend right from home in your PJ’s and with a latte, while in your car, at the office, or on a walk!
YOU get to choose when and how you participate! Use your iPad, smartphone, or computer.
Be a part of the WORLDWIDE RETREAT FOR YOUR SOUL. It’s FREE, powerfully uplifting and simple to attend!
What you’ll learn and receive:
  • How to identify, heal, release and clear unconscious blocks within yourself…gracefully.
  • Strengthening your intuitive connection and living your life empowered with Divine Guidance and Self-confidence!
  • Cutting edge techniques from Holistic happiness practices such as The Human Biofield, The Mindflex System, “Soul Language”, Sacred Activism, Superconsciousness Clearing, your “Zone of Attraction” and more… you’ll be able to take these techniques and start applying them to your own life right away for an immediate improvement in your wellbeing…
  • How to rise and LIVE above worry, doubt and fear…so that you can create and sustain your heartfelt desires!
  • Deep, powerful group energy healings, learning opportunities and Self-Mastery sessions and much, much more…

If you’ve been searching for an opportunity to be guided, educated and supported to overcome what has been holding you back from living the life you were meant to…

This is a once a year event. Don’t miss the chance to up-level your life! Everything you’ve ever wanted is within your reach, you just have to reach out, allow and embrace it!
With Love and an Open Heart,

PS: Whenever two or more are gathered a collective energy field is co-created acting as a current. Relax and let the Soulful current of Soul Speak carry you to more joy, upliftment and inspiration.

This entry was posted in Blog and tagged Laurie HustonPower of the HeartSheldon PizzinatSoul Speak

Thursday 26 July 2018

What Affects Your Business?

You may not even be aware of it but your professional energy may be burdened by past business/employment relationships with colleagues, co-workers, bosses, and family where you may harbor old grudges and unresolved issues. Attachments to other people, material things, or the distraction of “social media” in your life can deplete your professional energy. An accumulation of negative energies from your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual field around you and your office environment can become psychically toxic repositories of useless and disruptive energy connections.

A Business Clearing can remove undesirable energy connections between you and other people such as co-workers, employers, and colleagues as well as clear up the energy around your business space that can often become stagnant or even filled with the old paradigm energies of fear, greed, anger and frustrations.

A Business Clearing is beneficial to finally severing ties with the negative relationships from your past that continue to draw on your energy today – disrupting your current relationships. As well, such a clearing can diminish or erase old paradigm energies that are still prohibiting your business activities from moving into a new age of consciousness that is Heart-Centered and Evolving the Planet instead of destroying it.

We all have times in our lives when things impact our energy and sometimes even on a daily basis. When life happens and we get caught up in it, our fears tend to get triggered and we may not even realize it and we go on autopilot where we are reacting to life instead of responding with consciousness more related to a new age. Once we go on autopilot we don’t have any control over our reactions and this will trigger our fears. Although we are never in complete control of everything that seems to happen around us we can be in charge of our responses – except when they are automatic responses – meaning we need to be present and aware of our energy and our fears. We need to make a choice to not let our fears over take our life. However it isn’t always easy to see how our energy – or the energy of others – is creating more fear in our lives and our work. Sometimes we don’t realize what is happening until we sit in reflection and examine what has been going on in our lives. If we learn how to keep our energy clear we wouldn’t get slammed nor react to life: we would respond with fuller consciousness. We would know when life is happening and determine whether it is our own energy or the energy of another that is impacting us. Therefore we can make different conscious choices on what the next move is to make us feel better.
A clearing, a business clearing even, allows us to start anew and change the old cords, patterns, and stories that have become outdated from our childhood so that we can truly rebuild our foundations and create stronger, more conscious ones.

Such a clearing can uncover how your limiting beliefs/habits/stories are holding you back and keeping you stuck. Reviewing these go a long way in understanding how you cope with life. Becoming aware of your reactions and responses to others helps you determine what responsibility you have – or are sharing – with your energy: are you blaming others, making judgments, or needing to be ‘right’ to satisfy your ego? Are your emotions hijacking you? What are your stress triggers? There are so many questions that will help you understand what is influencing your energy. Once you determine what is influencing you your consciousness will assist you in becoming even more aware how you are coping and what is affecting your energy. However, if you are always shifting the responsibility to something outside of you, please know that this is your Ego and you are being misled: you need to accept responsibility for your life and energy. Everything always comes from within you.

Have you ever walked into a room and felt like something was wrong? Perhaps you felt the air was thick, as if you could almost feel an argument that occurred there many hours earlier? Do you sometimes walk into work and it feels ‘off?’ The workplace feels like a place where you start to feel anxious and can’t wait to leave? What about those around you? Do you sense certain people in your work environment are draining your energy? What about the environment of your work, like the financial industry – does it feel positive or is it exhausting due to the economic times?

What does our sensing have to do with our businesses? Our bodies have an energy-field, and this energy-field holds our thoughts, our emotions and our intentions. The movie The Secret explores the Law of Attraction and the effect that our thoughts and beliefs have on our reality. Our energy-field can be quite extensive and extend farther out from our bodies than we realize. Have you ever driven home completely absorbed in your thoughts and experiences? Maybe you’ve been so caught up in your thoughts you aren’t even sure how you got home. This is a perfect example of how we are often living unconsciously. Now think of road rage; we are just driving along, feeling fine, when we get cut off, or are put behind a very slow-moving vehicle. This situation often creates anger and frustration, the sorts of things that aren’t normally part of our everyday activity or emotional state. This is owing to the fact that in a populous city our energy gets mixed with that of others and as we are unconsciously driving around we may enter into a situation or area where road rage occurred moments – or even hours – before. We get caught up in the energy of someone else or in the energy of road rage itself. Consider your work environment: if your work area has many employees it will hold many different energies, emotions and thoughts. We can feel the grief of a friend or colleague when someone has just passed away, or the anger and frustration when someone has been fired or had a spousal fight that morning.

People project their thoughts and emotions at all times so consider how all of our thoughts and emotions have been building up within our work environment. Now let’s take into account our current state of mind and the state of the World. Think about how this energy is being compounded dramatically. We are in a constant state of experiencing the effects of anxiety and fear.

Along with financial considerations, consider how our business environments can hold other negative energies – even negative energies that are related to things that may have been building for quite some time. Everyone who works in your office will impact your energy as we all have ‘things’ going on that impact us individually. Even if you work from a home business you are still influenced by everything occurring outside you and even your home realm. Since we live in a digital age and have access 24/7 to media that is filled with fear and we also have the addiction to social media that reports constantly what people are doing and how they are feeling – our world dictates to us how to feel and our world also influences how we respond at every given moment. Energy that is full of emotion and impacts the way we feel and think can compound even the difficult financial situations that can be part of our business experience and the energy of our emotions can create a lot of anxiety both individually and wherever we work.

We may be contributing to the buildup of negative energy by not being able to let go of our daily stressors so doesn’t it seem important to clear and balance our own energy on a daily basis? People are like sponges. As each sponge can hold only so much water and then reaches a point of saturation, every person can hold only so much of negative energy or thoughts. After the saturation point is reached the excess energy must flow somewhere. Where does the energy go?

What limiting beliefs, habits and stories do you have? Our stories center around our relationships with family, friends, partners, co-workers and/or bosses. We hold certain stuck emotions from our childhood that limit us from creating the life we desire and keep us in our “head” where we choose fear over our hearts and love. Plus most of our thoughts, judgments, behaviors, patterns, beliefs, and values are formed by the age of 7 (!) and as a result we are reacting and creating the same patterns over and over again until we heal them! Are you ready to make some changes? Are you ready to make the conscious changes to Be the best you can be? Are you ready to make the changes needed to positively impact your business life – for your own betterment and, importantly, for the betterment of everyone in your work sphere? Let’s do this! Let’s become aware of how we are responding to the energies in and around us – for our own benefits. This means taking responsibility for it all. And that is part of our evolving planet and what is needed.

If you would like more information about Business Clearings check out this page with
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Wednesday 27 June 2018

Love IS…

Most of our definitions of romantic love are constructs of love dictated to us through the use of media and our experiences from our childhood that defined love. Both of these ‘ideals’ are inaccurate and often have nothing to do with love at all, but are rather a reflection of our needs and wants in a relationship. Which is to say; that ‘love’ is what we feel we need reflected back to us through our significant ‘other’ or from any intimate relationship. We are actually ‘in love’ with an ideal of what we believe we can receive from another.

We tend to search for ‘love’ to be reflected back to us in all the wrong places hoping for our ‘ideal’ and then settling for not being alone. But what are we actually searching for?

We are searching for someone to meet our ‘needs’, our conditional expectations that we have set and we have often come with a list of these needs. Yet the only way we can actually have these needs met would be if we met them ourselves.

We ask for physical descriptions, romantic notions, and worse: we ask for the very things we are lacking within ourselves. An example of this would be after experiencing a long list of men who had commitment phobias we want someone who is committed to us. A worthy goal. However, if we have had a pattern of men (or women) who couldn’t commit to us, it is more likely that we have the commitment issue and our partners are just mirroring it back to us. And why would we do this to ourselves?  It may be that we do not feel safe in relationships and therefore choose men who can’t commit!

However, this doesn’t mean that our mirrors are exact replicas; rather it means if someone lacks commitment we attracted them or requested a ‘soul’ contract so that we can learn something about our Soul’s path. When we don’t learn it, we get more opportunities to open us up to the learning our Soul’s choice for us. It may not be commitment that is our issue. It may be self-confidence or it may be that we are learning to love ourselves and in both of these cases having someone with a commitment phobia would be perfect. And something as ‘big’ as self-confidence or self-love would take life times to learn.

“Our search for love has a motivation that we need to identify and understand so that we know what we are attracting and what our Soul’s purpose is.”

The point I’m making is that our definition of “love” is often based on an unreliable source, whether it is [1] a romantic sentiment created through our media culture that is an imaginary ideal that has no truth or authenticity as it is a fantasy that has nothing to do with love; or [2] our definition comes from our experiences of love, often based on our childhood and the patterns we have been repeating since then.

Love isn’t about meeting our ideals or giving us what we need or believe we need, like more romance, safety, commitment or “characteristics” that we often desire in a mate. Love is our ability to share, to give unconditionally, to accept a person for who they are and to take our needs out of the picture. Love is about the other person. Love is about letting go of all of our fears, beliefs and idiosyncrasies that we often blame ‘others’ for and about taking responsibility for all of who we are so that we can love others as well as ourselves. Love is knowing who we are and expressing this to another. Love is infinite without conditions, judgments, fear or resistance. Love is!

And lastly, our search for love has a motivation that we need to identify and understand so that we know what we are attracting and what our Soul’s purpose is. Our Soul in its infinite wisdom chose this life and all the circumstances that have occurred in our life to assist us to know love. All of our relationships are steering us towards our purpose. As I have said many times, relationships are what help us grow the most on this journey. Since we are moving towards love our relationships are all teaching us something about our purpose. So if we could view all of our relationships as a message instead of failure and look at what they are showing us from a ‘bigger picture’ we would be able to have a glimpse of this purpose.

What is our motivation for desiring a healthy relationship (either new or getting a current one back on track)? What are the fears that motivate us to desire love? What hasn’t worked in the past? And what do we feel we have learned through all of our relationships? These are all messages our Soul has designed to move us towards who we are and for the quest for Love to take us to all the right places.

I invite you to take some time this month and examine your choices and desires towards love. Know that everything is perfect for you to grow towards who you are and to express Love in its infinite wisdom. Love is something you share and give to the world. Find a way to express it and Love will find you!