Tuesday 6 October 2015

What Choices do you make at your Trigger Point?

This month I want to write about something that has been occurring in my life on a regular basis. People are getting stuck in their lives and falling back on their ‘known’ story and so often such stories are full of drama because of the origin of those stories. This problem is occurring with people who are becoming conscious and honestly sincere in their evolution towards love. I believe that there is a mirror here for me and I’m exploring this as it isn’t just one client and I’m feeling stuck with my clients who are stuck! Oh MY!

I have been involved with several shows on ‘The Story of ME’ and it was the subject of my last blog.  And I have had several more shows since then with Christopher Papadopoulos, Thomas Campbell, and Jean Adrienne where we have also discussed this topic. So, we understand that this ‘story’ is not a representation of our truth, but really our story is from our perspectives that are due to our experiences that come from our egoic thinking mind. It typically has some level of insecurity, lack of self-confidence, inability to forgive or our trying to justify our actions or emotions. But we get stuck in the process and fall back into our ‘stories’!

What I want to explore is the moment we have that will allow us to make an easier shift towards getting out of our heads and into our bodies, heart and gut, where we can make present moment decisions that will not expedite our journey into full drama. That moment where we are first triggered. That moment when we are anxious or first feeling insecure, whatever the initial trigger is. That is the moment when we can head off the full blown drama attack.

So what is our ‘thinking mind’ really doing in that ‘trigger moment’? We’re trying to control and manipulate things so that they are the way we want them to be or believe we want them to be. But really the only thing we have any sort of control over, or have some sense of being in charge of, is our emotions (which our thinking mind doesn’t believe because it doesn’t deal with emotions but only thoughts and the memories of emotions).

So in the trigger moments I always say there is a choice! When that first moment of our trigger happens we can still make a rational choice. But after that we are in full blown attack and our rational mind is nowhere to be seen! Sometimes we just have to ride the wave and hope to come through the drama attack without too much damage.

So what is the choice you ask? It is to acknowledge we are feeling anxious. And to acknowledge that this anxiety creates a deeper fear within us that isn’t based on truth but rather a perceived misunderstanding that has been accepted as truth due to our past experiences. It means we can choose not to do the thing that makes it worse … you know grabbing food to fill the void or doing the thing that has the impact to push you to breaking point. It is the moment we can make a choice before the choice is appearing to be taken away from us. (The choice isn’t really taken away, it just feels like that.) It is that moment when we still have a choice to acknowledge that we are feeling uncomfortable before going over the edge. And if we can bring awareness into that feeling of discomfort we are conscious enough to bring ourselves into the now moment. Christopher Papadopoulos offered an amazing meditation in our last interview on this exact topic, it will allow us to move into our bodies to release the anxious energy. A must listen.

What I have learned from this whole experience was pretty impressive.  One of my longest term clients (and dear friend) who probably has triggered me the most due to the fact that our ‘stories’ are the same [we were both abandoned at a young age] inspired me to look deeper into this. I realized that what our ‘thinking mind’ is really doing is trying to put the blame or projecting the problem onto someone or something else; the closest thing for me is my health; for her it was an ex. These represent what we need to heal or accept within ourselves.

You see, we project our deepest core issues onto others when our core issue is much deeper and goes to a time when we weren’t conscious enough or emotionally mature enough to understand what was happening. I’ve been abandoning myself by making the wrong choices in my diet (filling the void with poor choices) and not being able to build my energy again. My client/friend had been making her issues about someone else when in fact the problem is never someone or something else… it is always our own issue.

So in a way our ego is just helping us heal or accept a deeper truth but our thinking mind goes to lay blame elsewhere! I think this is a normal response. It is just that if we can see the bigger picture then we can understand that our patterns and ‘stories’ were created before the age of 7 – before we were emotionally mature enough to comprehend what was happening, and unable to see that it wasn’t personal. As a spiritual Being we are able to understand mentally most concepts and feel into our emotions but as a child we had no reference point: we could only establish our own misunderstandings. And since we felt dependent on our parents we concluded, from a conceptual basis, this must be love.

To heal these wounds we have had to make different choices… and when we don’t realize that we continue with the same ‘stories’ as created by our young selves. We are unaware that what is happening isn’t just a re-enactment of the same core fear: these incidents continue to play out to assist us to create a different story.

At any point in the process we can create another story, choose to respond differently, see that it isn’t the other person or thing that is the problem but rather a belief we made before the age of 7 that is showing up to help us grow. Can you make the decision then – next time something ‘happens’ to you – to see the ‘bigger picture’ and choose to respond by becoming conscious and present?

What if…?

We discussed a lot of sabotage this month, the month of change. September has been exciting and exhausting all in one. In my new Heart-Based Support Group with Jean Adrienne we have been discussing Sabotage. In a channeled message I did the question was asked ‘What if you knew that your spiritual growth was a given’? What if you knew that no matter what you did it would all turn out ‘perfectly’ and all the things that happen and all the things that you feel you have done wrong were all ‘perfect’ and in alignment with your higher purpose?

If you could be assured that no matter what happened or what you did, that everything was going to be okay, would that change how you are living your life? What about all the things we do to sabotage ourselves and our happiness… what if you knew that none of that mattered?

All the things you believe you were wrong about, felt regret over… all the wasted energy you have given over your diet, your relationships, your finances, your fears, and all of your suffering… what if it was all just a figment of your imagination… created with your ‘thinking mind’ and contributed to ‘your story’ that has spun everything out of control? Would this change how you live your life? Could you breathe and relax about your life? Could you take some time and enJOY the moments you’re experiencing in your life?

What if you could see into your future and connect with the Being you become and she or he could tell you or show you that it all worked out? Would you change; could you be more relaxed?

You CAN do this! There are many ways to achieve this. Opening your heart, connecting to the divine, listening to a channeled message of a divine being… these are ways to know that everything is going as you contracted your life to unfold.

What if you knew that the only thing we need to do is make choices and these choices are simply either towards love or towards fear?

I remember seeing the 1991 movie ‘Defending Your Life’ with Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep. In this movie Albert is a sad man who made many poor choices all on fear and he has to go to ‘life court’ to defend why he made so many choices in fear. The movie was actually quite brilliant as it discusses our choices and whether we are ready for a higher place. The Meryl Streep character made spectacular choices and Albert’s character had to fight to move on. The lesson seems to be, in the movie and in life, that no matter what choices you have made in the past you can always change and move towards love. And we are guaranteed our evolvement.

I remember a past group I was involved with that, as most groups do, try and make you believe you are special and that you will move on to a better place and that someone close to me was looking forward to moving back into Source. But that isn’t the purpose of our life! Our purpose is to make choices and to continue growing towards love. Our real purpose is to choose LOVE!

So why then are so many of our choices based on fear? Why do we do things, how do we do things, even when do we do things so often based on fear? It’s time to make new choices. It’s time to stay present and get out of our busy monkey mind. When we are present and less mentally active we are more able to connect to our hearts, to our soul, and to our purpose! We make better choices this way and we realize that everything is okay even when our mind wants to tell us something else such as when our mind wants to reinforce our ‘story’ that keeps us stuck in fear.

So… what would you do differently? Would you find ways to hear the gentle guidance of your heart and soul, listen to the absolute knowing that everything is perfect?

Move towards love knowing that we can stop sabotaging ourselves and stop worrying that we are wrong or that we are a victim in this ever-changing world? Will you just relax into the flow and choose how you want to respond to life? I invite you to consider this possibility and change how you respond to the world – especially after this incredible Super Full Moon Total Eclipse these past few days! Our world is changing! And our Spiritual Growth is a Given.