Tuesday, 24 December 2019

2020 – Year of Ascension & Spiritual Growth

2020For many years now people have been saying that 2020 will be essential to our next stage of Spiritual Growth and Ascension and calling it the Age of Aquarius – which feels like it has been happening since the mid 80’s. What are your expectations for this new decade? I know astrologically we are going to experience some challenging events like in 2018 with both Mars (Sept to Nov) and Venus (May and June) going retrograde. However, beyond these astrological events it seems the greater events of interest is because of the transits at the end of the year and that is why there are wide expectations of this being an important Year for Spiritual Growth and Ascension. Saturn enters Aquarius Dec 17th (briefly entering earlier in May and June before retrograding back into Capricorn); Jupiter enters Aquarius Dec 19th and there is a Great Conjunction – where Saturn conjuncts Jupiter in Aquarius Dec 21st – which occurs every 20 years but the last time when it was in Aquarius was 1405 and will be again in 2080. The event has suggested celestial significance and belief that the Star of Bethlehem was actually a Great Conjunction.

So what constitutes a proclamation of a year becoming the Year of Ascension? Could astrological events determine the energies? I honestly can’t seem to feel what this new decade’s energies will suggest. I have felt years that have had significance and the energies felt clear to me. This year I’m unclear. Maybe it is because over the past few years I have come to a different understanding of what our purposes are here: that it isn’t about some miraculous event occurring that will change our energy but rather it is our choices and our fears that assist us to become more conscious and more able to Evolve in our Spiritual Growth. If we want to change, to evolve, we have to Become the Change. Nothing outside of us will create this change. We can be supported by outside influences but ultimately we have to want to change and make the efforts to create the change within us.
What creates Ascension?
  • Intentions
  • Consciousness
  • Less fear
  • Now moment living vs living in the past or future
  • Choices
It is difficult to determine what comes first. I think we need to begin with our Intentions. We have to start somewhere. We usually ponder all the things we don’t want first. This is a call to the Universe that we put too much importance on what we don’t want, our fears. So I believe we must become clear about what we do want. When we set an intention we proclaim what we are dreaming about and what we intend to do for this year and beyond and not only what we intend to do but also how we want to BE. So let’s remember to take a few moments and set our intentions to Grow Up and move toward our Ascension (whatever that may be). Last month I pondered how to make a Wish and this may assist us on what to set as an Intention and how.

Consciousness seems like the important next step. We must become conscious of our lives and how we are responding to our life happenings in each moment. Consciousness is a state of BEing. We are either conscious or we are living our lives on autopilot. When we are on autopilot we miss being aware of our lives passing us by. We aren’t engaged and we can’t find the sacred in each moment. We are stuck in a rut and our fears are keeping us distracted and in our ‘story’. When we are conscious we can use our senses to respond to our life. We will be aware of our choices and we can clearly reflect on our choices and reactions when something is triggering us. We can Breathe. We can Know how to respond in each situation as it happens – instead of feeling out of control and feeling like a victim. When we are conscious we can be in charge of how we respond – it allows us to Evolve and Grow Up.

Once we set an Intention and become more conscious our Fears will become more evident. We will discover just how much our fears play in our story. On autopilot our fears control us. As we become more conscious – as we have set our Intentions – we can see how ridiculous our fears are and that our fears are not based in reality. They don’t have truth. They are fears that we have picked up prior to the age of 7 and they have defined us for the rest of our lives. The Core Fears are: Fear of being alone, Fear of Failure, Fear of losing something (death), and Fear of the Unknown. With our consciousness we counter the fears by knowing we are Enough and also connected to all of Life so we are never alone and never rejected; we are Awesome and able to do whatever we intend so we never really fail; We are on an Amazing Journey of Consciousness so we never really die; And we are ultimately Consciousness and Connected so nothing is unknown. As the movie ‘Frozen’ keeps telling us: “Let it GO”. Our fears aren’t real – they can be faced and accepted. We can let them go!

Being present and in the Now Moment is when we can truly be in charge of how we respond to life. Typically on autopilot we are stuck in the past or worried about the future. We are in linear time – being controlled by our fears. We are stuck in our story that has defined us – the patterns of our life. However once we Breathe, set Intentions, and are more conscious then we can change our experiences through our awareness. We can identify our fears, our patterns that hold us back or out of the moment, our story and as a result: make a choice to change. It is only in the Now Moment that change can happen. It is in the moment that we are conscious, that we aren’t in autopilot, that we become aware of the fears that govern us. And in such moments we can decide how we want to BE. We can examine our Intentions, our fears, the story we have told over and over about who we are. In this moment we can define our next moment. We can change how we respond to the past and create our future. We can be aware of the fears and make different choices.

Which brings us to the last point about our choices. When we are in autopilot we are stuck in the story, our fears, distracting ourselves from our pain and usually feeling like a victim. We don’t see that we have a choice when we feel like a victim! Ironically we aren’t in control of anything outside us in the world – we can only be in charge of how we respond to what is happening around us. This means that we can choose whether we want to be stuck in the core fears – Fear of being alone, Fear of Failure, Fear of losing something (death), and Fear of the Unknown or we can choose to see beyond these fears. We can decide how to react – we don’t have to take anything personally because how others respond is through their own fears. It doesn’t excuse them but it does help us understand how our own fears are dictating how we make choices. My easiest example is of an ending of a relationship/marriage: it isn’t personal, it isn’t about either person versus the other person, it is about their inner choices and their fears – it isn’t personal as in person-to-person. I choose to Grow Up and I make choices from a place of Love and Acceptance and as a result my choices are aligned with where I see my life going and I make every attempt to not take other people’s choices as personal.
This year, 2020, this new decade, I choose to set my Intention to continue to Grow Up, to become more conscious of how I’m living my life, to face some of my deepest fears and acknowledge them, to live in the moment as much as I can and to make Choices that continue to assist me on this Incredible Journey into myself as an integral part of All That Is. I Intend and choose to be conscious of and to use the Support of the Universe, fearlessly, in my unfolding moments in and through 2020 (and Beyond) in my Awesome Journey of Ascension and Spiritual Growth. And as always I Invite you to share your Journey with me; assisting me to Grow Up. Happy New Years!

This entry was posted in Blog and tagged 2020AscensionchoicesconsciousnessGrowing UpIntentionLaurie HustonLess FearNew YearsNews for the HeartNews for the Heart RadioNow Moment. Bookmark the permalink.

Content Source- https://www.intuitivesoul.com/2020-year-of-ascension-spiritual-growth

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Christmas Wish

As I do each year I like to share a message that I have always felt passionate about: ‘the Magic of the Holidays’. These Magical energies are available to us during the Christmas Season – and really at all other times – however they are amplified during the holidays. I want you to imagine a wish this year. If you could have anything what would that be? What would it look like? Feel like? Are you imagining? World Peace or Health, Wealth and Happiness? What would be the biggest dream you could imagine?

What if I told you – “You could have anything your Heart Desires”? You just have to follow a few simple guidelines.

  • Everyone has free will – therefore we can’t wish for something that will influence, change or manipulate another
  • It is about Giving not Receiving
  • Let it come from a place of compassion and your Heart – instead of greed and fear
  • Allow it to come from within instead of outside of us
  • How would it make you feel if you had it?
Everyone has free will. To flow with the energies and Laws of the Universe we shouldn’t interfere with another’s free will. Often we want to change someone else, to make them see that we are ‘right’ or to manipulate them to do or be what we want. Unfortunately this often just shows us that we are coming from a place of fear and Ego – always wanting to be in control and greedy. Fear won’t create the Magic. Unfortunately it also means that all those Love Spells that we covet are, at worst, coming from a place of dark magic as it manipulates someone’s free will who doesn’t love us and, at best, gray magic because it would influence someone or manipulate them to love us even though their the love is already there for us. And so we need to follow the guidelines to create the Magic of the Holidays as this is the way of us creating our Wishes and we must create our Wishes from a place of non-fear and the only changes we can make are within ourselves. Love that respects everyone’s free will allows our Dreams to Manifest. This is our first guideline.

The Magic that exists is more powerful if it comes from a place of Giving instead of Receiving. Our second guideline. Too often we focus on what we want, need or desire or have expectations about because when we give we are expecting that we will receive something back in return. This creates expectations and conditions on what we give. Instead of giving from our Hearts to another we are giving because our Ego is desiring something in return. The true Gift of the Magical Energy available to us – especially at this time of the year – isn’t what we receive or even how our gifts are received by others: it is in the unconditional Love through which we give. So if looking at our Wish let’s Imagine how it can be a Gift to others. If we Dream of Happiness and Love let’s imagine how can we Give this to others. This will support your Wishes as well as follow the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you will have them do unto you.” (Matt. 7:12). When we Give Love and Happiness unconditionally to others our own Hearts overflow. Then and only then can we truly be open to receiving. Our Wishes radiate out through our Love and Compassion for others. A great guideline and a great way to feel.

Let’s have our Wishes come from this Compassionate place and it will always be about Love over Fear. When we only consider our Wishes from what we want then we are always focusing on what we don’t have and therefore here we are: Wishing from a place of fear of lack and/or greed. When we wish for a relationship – let’s Wish it by Radiating Love; when we wish for money – let’s Wish it by Radiating Love; when we Wish for anything let’s Wish it by Radiating Love because Love is always the answer. When we share our Heart, live with Compassion, and Love unconditionally – and we don’t have expectations – we come from a place of Love. A Wish from Love opens our Heart and Radiates that Love all around us. A great third guideline.

The movie “The Secret” was a powerful movie but unfortunately it misinformed us to search outside ourselves for happiness. Love and Happiness will never last if our Ego wants “more” – a bigger house, more money, more success. When we are seeking something that exists within us by searching outside of us we won’t ever be satisfied. Love and Happiness exist within us. We make the choice on how we experience the world. It may not always feel like a choice at the time but it always is such a choice. And if our Wish is something outside of us it is NOT within our control. Also such a Wish may interfere with someone else’s free will. Yet more importantly: we don’t create from the outside in; we create from the inside out. This is the guideline. We are wise to follow it if we want to avail ourselves of the Magic of the Holiday.

Which brings me to the last point, the last guideline: how will you Feel when your Wish comes true? Like I previously mentioned if your wish is for Love BE Love; if your wish is for more Money or Success BE Love! Love is an inside job; so are Happiness, Joy, Peace and Freedom. If you deeply desire something outside of you – focus on how it will make you feel inside instead of focusing on the outside of having the object, situation or person you want! If you are struggling due to finances – which many do especially during the Holiday Season – then what would that extra money feel like? And can you feel the Love inside when you Imagine that all is right within your world? Most importantly: don’t focus on how it makes you feel to not have enough – which is often where our focus lies. Instead focus on the Freedom, Love or Happiness that your Wish will bring you within. This is the Key! Then Radiate that Love that you Feel within – outside of you. What a Gift this is to you and to those around you. The Universe responds to your Giving and your Giving is based on your Feeling inside: your Feeling of Love, of Happiness, of Knowing that all is as it should be in your world – as you sense your Wish fulfilled.

This is the time, this Magical Holiday Time, to inspire you to Dream BIG and let the Magic Unfold. To Hold Love within your Heart and Radiate this Love outside of you – from within you. To capture some of the Magic for which this message was written and KNOW that your Wish can come true when you are coming from that place of Unconditional Love that exists within you! So what is your Wish? Can you follow these guidelines and Create with the Magic that surrounds you? I invite you to Play, Dance, and Share this Love inside while Opening your Heart to the Magic of the Holiday Season. Happy Holidays from My Heart to Yours!

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

ThanksGiving and Fear

Why is it that the Thanksgiving Holiday season brings so much pain – especially when it is supposed to be a time for being thankful for what we have? It appears that the energies surrounding this year have intensified even more the challenges that many people are experiencing (especially the Canadian Thanksgiving which is celebrated over 6 weeks prior to the US – hopefully by the end of Nov the outside energies may be less intense). Regardless of the time of year that your culture celebrates ‘Thanksgiving’ the fear during this season is still a theme that requires thought. After all, what is it about these Holidays that creates such anxiety and fear?

Family gatherings are often permeated with difficulties from unhappy memories to outright conflicts. We have expectations that lead to unmet and unhappy outcomes. We expect our Thanksgiving gatherings to be filled with Love, Acceptance, and Happiness despite the fact that our only memories of this occasion are memories of an earlier time – when we were younger and innocent and when we tended to ignore the adults and stressful encounters of our Holiday get-togethers. We were blissfully ignorant. Yet we all play into the victim consciousness and ‘me’ mentality that leaves Thanksgiving and other family Holidays often permeated with strife.

Therein lies the problem. We expect Love, Acceptance, and Happiness but our expectations are unreasonable as these expectations create unnecessary stress as we try to create the ‘perfect’ gathering. We also tend to focus on ‘me’ and how everything we have no control over will impact us personally. In fact we often believe that everything that happens is personal! We stress ourselves as we try to create perfection and when our sought-after perfection doesn’t occur – which is always the case with our ego (our ego always finds fault) – we take it personally. We become stuck in victim consciousness and it impacts how we interpret the success of our Holidays. We almost always expect the worst – yet hope (which seems to also come from fear or misguided presumptions) for the best. We maintain the same family dynamics year after year – dynamics that stem from fear and so we try to control the outcomes. We also continue to see our ‘happiness’ as something that comes from outside ourselves so we try to control the outside factors of our get-togethers.

The thing is we mostly grow through our relationships. So if we are experiencing challenges during a time when we are to BE Grateful the question we need to ask ourselves is: what is my responsibility? What, in my striving for Happiness, is MY responsibility? And the answer is only given in how we respond to each situation. We have no control over what ‘happens’ in our life. We can’t change the past, alter how our relatives relate to one another, predict whether or not the dinner/gathering/gift is ‘perfect’ and whether or not we gain their approval, or whether or not we are being judged. The only thing we are ‘in charge of’ is how we respond to each situation! We have no control over what happens; we are only in charge of our response to the happenings.

Our fears push us to Grow Up. Any emotion that is less than Happy and Loving represents a fear. Sure, it is likely well hidden within our unconscious and we like to stuff our feelings away when they make us uncomfortable, but we have an opportunity to BE more aware and conscious of our feelings and actions. We can only do this, be more aware, if we are in the Present Moment and conscious of how we are BEing in the World. We can BE in charge of how we want to show up in the world. We can and to do that we can choose to go within and choose to BE Happy, Loving and Accepting of all that happens with an Open Heart.

We often believe that we are a product of what is occurring around us; that the emotions and happiness of everyone around us determines how we respond to each given situation. However, if we respond to our situations based on how other people react this only reinforces in us the victim mentality that permeates our society. We don’t have to be victims in as much as we can make a conscious choice to ‘show up’ in our lives. We can choose to BE happy regardless of what is happening around us; that’s us showing up! We have a choice! In fact that is one of the only ways we can truly BE happy. We can choose to be happy – just as we can choose to Love – as that is the only way to BE Love. We can choose to Accept everything about our lives – as that is the only way to have Acceptance. And our choices can only occur while we are conscious in the moment and therefore conscious of our emotions. And being conscious of our emotions we can be conscious of what we choose to experience within our lives.

Let’s understand how Victim Consciousness has saturated our reactions, our emotions, and our actions; and that only we ourselves have the ability to change our perceptions, beliefs, habits, and stories. We can’t do this change if we believe we are a victim so we have to let go of the pain – the fear – of being the victim. And although it sounds simple – and it is – it isn’t easy. However that is the way to Grow Up! It is through our choices that we can intend to BE Love, Happy, and Accepted for who we Truly are! So as we begin this Holiday Season – how do you want to ‘show up’? Unconscious and feeling miserable because Holidays make you feel like you are out of control? Or do you want to be in Charge of how you experience your Holidays? Let go of the need to try and make things perfect. Open up to the unlimited possibilities that exist all around us. Know that you can choose how you feel and when it feels like you have no choice, really examine how you are BEing in your current moment, your ‘right now’. Are you conscious and in the present moment? Are you choosing how you want to BE? Make conscious choices to BE Happy, Loving, and Accepting of yourself … and others! This Holiday Season BE who you want to BE. As Gandhi says BE the Change you wish to see in the World. Happy Thanksgiving!

Content Source- https://www.intuitivesoul.com/thanksgiving-and-fear#more-8998

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Fear and Health

As we move towards our Canadian Thanksgiving I contemplate all that I am thankful for: a sustaining and incredibly fulfilling career that I love; a home that is nurturing and holds many wonderful memories; great friends and family; and my beautiful and crazy Angel – my fur baby. I feel overwhelmingly Blessed!! The one area that still eludes me though is my health and well-being.

I have made such great strides over the last few years, especially this past year. Thanks – partially to my Carrot App (which is now discontinued thanks mostly to our Ontario elected Premier) that rewarded me with points towards movies and entertainment – I walked over 100 straight days of walking heading into this New Year. And then I continued my walking again in February – after I ended my streak on my trip to Europe – and have been going straight through – now at 230 days beginning in October. That is over 7.5 months and I’m still increasing my daily steps and feeling much more at ease and have much more energy. The beginning of the year I received a statement that I am walking more than 80% of Canadians? Which honestly shocked me since I definitely still feel like I need to do more to feel better. However I am grateful that my health is improving with each step.

So, YES I am feeling better and know I have more energy than the same time last year – I’m walking more than triple each day what I was doing last year at this time. I’m moving every hour – given that my Fitbit reminds me to move. I’m less achy than I was – my back and hips are not as stressed – although my shoulders and neck still aren’t as fluid as I would like them to be. This shoulder and neck situation can create issues while I sleep but my Fitbit also helps me identify my sleep patterns and quality of sleep I am getting each night. There is even this fascinating sleep quiz to discover your Chronotype (sleep animal) – no surprise to me: I’m a Bear.

Even with all of these improvements I feel I have a long way to go. Or maybe a short way to Freedom through finding my motivation to achieve my dreams. But what is stopping me from the ‘short way’? Is there something that is stopping me?

I certainly find diet to be the most fascinating area that continues to sabotage my efforts at achieving optimal health and well-being. I have discovered these past few years just how important diet is. Even more than exercise when it comes to my health, although, I once I have improved my daily steps I feel much better. I’ve seen firsthand how eating sugar and carbohydrates create an imbalance. And I feel like each day is another day closer for me to understand the great mysteries of the body and health. Yet it is also confusing – we have the high fat Keto diet which scientifically appears sound and then the Bright Line diet that holds similar beliefs around processed foods, sugar and simple carbohydrates – but can be difficult to sustain indefinitely. However each diet program – including the alkaline diet and Whole 30 – has important messages about diet and how the body responds to dieting. Each program shares tips on how important food is to our wellbeing; specifically about whole foods vs processed, sugar being addictive and other messages that are specific to what the authors have learned on their journey about food, emotions and will power.

Now you may wonder why I chose my title as, Fear and Health when I’ve been discussing food and Diet? There is some confusion around diet and its power to heal. Maybe I am sabotaging myself in my journey to optimal health through the eating of food without the right awareness to effect the change I want. And why would I sabotage something that I want so much? Do I actually have some fear around this that makes me want to sabotage myself so that I have something or someone to blame rather than my own successful (or not) approach to dieting? Am I – or could I actually be – fearful of attaining that optimal health?

I will have completed a show with Tom Campbell on this topic – before this newsletter comes out. How does fear relate to our health? We have all seen the devastation of ‘dis-ease’ that stems from stress and fear. We all know how cancer has become an epidemic – especially recently. Too many people who are pioneers in the Spiritual Community have left us too early. Diabetes, heart disease, strokes, pulmonary obstructions and disease, Alzheimer’s and many more – are all linked to our diet and stress. We see it – we know it – and yet we still sabotage ourselves.

Our emotions created from patterns and Ego have debilitated us through Fear. If our fears didn’t have such a detrimental impact on our health we might never have the courage to push ourselves to understand ourselves better. Unfortunately we know that even if we identify the causes of our ‘dis-ease’ we may not heal from the experience. Healing, it is our understanding, would typically occur due to a ‘bigger picture’ we are unable to see.

Yet facing and overcoming our fears still leaves us with a satisfying sense of ‘freedom’ and gives expansion to our awareness of our Consciousness. We continue to create opportunities to Grow Up. And that is the Goal and Purpose of each life.

For me Pain has been a motivation to find answers – Abandonment was more of an emotional pain that was responsible for me beginning this journey. The physical pain of Frozen Shoulders and hormonal imbalance coming from perimenopause and – before that Heavy Metal Poisoning – all contributed to make me look more closely at what was sabotaging my health and these all have continued to push me seek answers. I know that we can have it all! I know that we are meant to Live Life to the Fullest. Addiction, Ego and our mental wellbeing seem to sabotage those efforts – however maybe they are the catalyst of change instead.

Each direction I go allows me to continue the Exceptional Life I am living. It allows me to go deeper, seek more answers and Evolve my Consciousness. To the point now that I look forward to what I can uncover about the mysteries of this world. I hope you can join me in appreciating every aspect of our adventure towards Love. Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, 19 August 2019

Ego: Bad or Misunderstood?

As I am considering writing a book on fear and after my latest Blog which tried to define Fear – I feel the need to clarify fear and its relationship to Ego especially since many ‘spiritual’ teachers out there believe we need to get rid of our Ego because it is what holds us back from Becoming Enlightened. I work with a different opinion – at least under our current evolution – we are NOT in a place where we can just get rid of our Ego. We have a lot of growing up to do and we have too much fear as a society that our Ego is the only way for most of us to Grow at all.

So let’s approach this from a logical perspective. As a whole we are still living in a third dimensional world which breaks down through a process we call ‘entropy’ and becomes less … orderly. And what causes the break down in this three dimensional world? Fear. Fear is the opposite of Love and it is Love and its related kindness, compassion, acceptance that builds our world. And in this world that we live in we each have an Ego – an Ego that mostly runs our lives. Our Ego also is what pushes us to Grow Up because it is our Ego that is triggered when we focus on ‘us’ instead of ‘we’ or ‘you’. And when we sense ‘fear’ in our lives we focus on ourselves – and if we forget Love – we then experience pain and suffering. So in the midst of this pain there is a positive side effect related to the Ego and the value of having the Ego in place: If we didn’t experience the pain and suffering that our Ego alerts us to we might never have the desire to grow towards love.

In this world where people are so focused on themselves – triggered by the fear of maybe not having enough – there is pain and suffering and people try to take what they can because there may be less to take in the future. So our world is the way it is because we have egomaniacs that run our governments, our financial institutions, our churches, our school systems, and our media (among others). Egomaniacs know how fear works and build that fear in others so the egomaniacs can gain from that fear. Our world revolves around greedy, controlling, power hungry people who manipulate our lives consciously and unconsciously. Our lives are manipulated by people who bring us ‘fear’. What an interesting world!”

It is through our emotions that we can understand our fears. How our Ego interprets our fears are through our different experiences – which determine how we will respond to each of these experiences. Our Ego determines our feelings and the emotional response we have to each experience. Our Egos allow us to ‘feel’ anger, sadness and all the negative emotions and allows us to BE more conscious of the negative emotions that define our fears. Example is: we would never even know a fear of abandonment if we couldn’t feel the anger or betrayal that abandonment often triggers. Our Ego allows us to feel these triggers and therefore is an excellent tool to identify our fears. What we do with this is what helps us Grow.

The only way we can even begin to understand – and Evolve – our Ego is to accept what our Ego does and why it does it.

Our Ego also tries to help us by narrowing all of our experiences into just a few boxes. Our ‘abandonment’ box holds every experience from the first time we felt abandoned to anything that triggers feelings of abandonment, betrayal or even anger – so that we don’t have to have many different boxes. However, that also limits our range of happiness because we can go off the rails due to someone triggering abandonment even when all they did was hang up on us or not text us their plans. Since it is in the same box often our perceptions of what we felt happened is not what actually happened but rather how we anticipated it would happen.
I wrote a couple of thoughts in my last blog about ‘fear’ that I believe is related to the role of our Ego:
  1. That Ego believes it is helping us with our fears through emotions that trigger reactions to distract us from the pain our fears create. This is part of what I was contemplating because we often don’t recognize our own fears. And the pain/suffering that our fears create within us we often distract ourselves with an addiction so that we don’t feel this overwhelming pain every time we are triggered. However, we can recognize it and we can either choose to respond consciously by identifying the cause and growing from it or allow the addiction that distracts us of the emotion the fear produces and zone out.
  2. Our Ego is often protecting us. Often trying to understand the protection mechanisms of our Ego is a puzzle that will assist us to Evolve. To do that we need to recognize the addictions we use as distractions; the emotions hiding our core fear and recognize the behaviors we use as distractions to keep from feeling uncomfortable.
And the only way we can even begin to understand – and Evolve – our Ego is to accept what our Ego does and why it does it. Our Ego needs to justify itself. Our Ego is part of our consciousness in this third dimension. We associate it with our mind that expresses what we want. It often tells us what we want by our desires to have something (or show us what we don’t want) – whether it is something necessary or because someone else has it – it is often trying to manipulate situations to help us or show us when we aren’t happy by what will make us happy. It isn’t rational; it isn’t even conscious most of the time – but helping us unconsciously make choices from those boxes it has arranged to assist us to not feel uncomfortable. These are the boxes that distract ourselves from our fears. Our Ego is the voice that shouts when we have a perceived infraction to our ‘self-worth’; when we feel the need to justify an action we took; or when we want to judge others by making ourselves better than another. Our Ego is based on third dimensional reality, however, it can help us Grow Up as long as we understand its intricacies. Our Ego may even be instrumental in assisting us to evolve past the third dimension as long as we get rid our fears – the fourth dimension is awakening from material to Universal Understanding of Higher Wisdom & Knowledge (as long as our Ego could adapt to its Higher functioning) and the fifth dimension is Opening our Hearts to Unity Consciousness (where our Ego would naturally defer to our Higher Consciousness – but remains as a guide for our emotional state by reminding us if we slipped back to the 3rd dimension as our fears can’t be in alignment with the 5thdimension).

With maybe a bit of a better understanding of what our Ego does – can you answer whether our Ego is bad or just misunderstood? I honestly believe that our Ego can help us as long as we are conscious of the games it plays and if we are willing to appreciate its abilities. I also believe 100% that our Ego can Evolve its Consciousness as we Evolve towards Love. We need our Ego to help us while we are in a very physical reality, helping to push us forward. However, we also need to be responsible for the actions of our Ego and take responsibility for our choices. As long as we are in a physical dimension we probably have our Egos intact so let’s find a way to use them for our own Evolution towards a more Kind, Compassionate and Loving World! Let’s do it together!

Monday, 8 July 2019

In Fear We Trust

After my retreat with Tom Campbell this past January I wrote that I was inspired to write a book and this is the beginning of that book. The working title, In Fear We Trust, came to me because even though we like to deny it our fears are what we put our trust in. When we discuss fears we like to pretend we are discussing phobias and that most of us don’t believe we have major phobias and therefore we don’t believe we have fears. However, as we are a part of this time and place I am going to suggest that we all have fears and these fears rule our lives. Follow me in this. If we didn’t have fears our Soul or Individuated Consciousness would never know to Evolve or Grow Up. Our Core fears like abandonment, unworthiness, unlovableness, failure, loss and the unknown push us to Evolve.

Let’s start with a definition of ‘fear’. Our dictionaries define ‘fear’ something like: “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.” This is accurate – however it doesn’t explain that our fears are what we chose to work through in this life to assist us in growing. It doesn’t explain that our core fears are governing how we live our life. We think we are a victim to circumstances beyond our control when in fact our ‘victimhood’ is merely those deeper fears such as abandonment/BEing alone, unworthiness, unlovableness, failure, loss – including everything mixed up around ‘death’, and the unknown. These fears, these deeper fears, create disharmony within us – pushing us and our emotions to our limits, seemingly – in such a way that we try to distract ourselves to make our lives bearable and maybe to make it seem like we even have everything within our control.

Our emotions are just our mind/ego’s way of distracting us from our deeper core fears that our unconscious believes are too painful. Our ego uses distractions so that we don’t get too caught up in our emotional state that we become overwhelmed by our fears. We have learned that when our emotions are too powerful we shut down through distracting ourselves from our fears, by using … addiction. We use different addictions to cope: alcohol, sugar, drugs, sex, binge watching TV or Netflix, and other socially acceptable or unacceptable activities.

What’s more disturbing is that it is through our fears that we “feel” and trust more than the Truth: the Truth that we are Infinite Beings with unfathomable abilities and consciousness.

Our fears are what we trust because we don’t feel worthy, lovable, successful, Infinite or ‘Tapped into the Higher Consciousness of Source’. Instead we allow our fears to guide us, our Ego to determine how to live our life. Our Ego needs to feel in control; however, our fears make our Ego feel out of control; so our Ego pretends that it is in control and that it has no fears.  However, these fears have been with us all of our lives and even distracting behavior created from these fears and they are solidly in place by the time we hit the age of 7.

In its own way our ego believes it is helping us with our overwhelming fears through emotions that trigger reactions to distract us from the pain our fears create.

Our emotions distract us from the core fear we are working towards – or perhaps the core fear we SHOULD be working towards – facing. We literally don’t see or feel our fears because we have created years of mechanisms of coping with our fears, mechanisms designed to distract ourselves from feeling the power of these debilitating fears … or the powerlessness we feel when a core fear is triggered.

Our ego makes us believe that we are in control of our lives and that we are making the best choices for living our lives. However instead of being in control and making the best choices our ego also makes us powerless to face our fears because the ego has distracted us to the point where our deepest fears are hidden beneath our behaviors and it is these behaviors that distract us from actually feeling our fears.

For example: having a core fear around abandonment or Being alone will trigger an emotion that has been packaged in a box called “abandonment” – but it shows up as depression, sadness or anger and then as soon as we feel the powerlessness of Being Abandoned we distract ourselves through the emotions of depression, sadness or anger – and because abandonment – or the emotions we distract the feelings of abandonment with – feels so uncomfortable we will find an addiction that will hold the uncomfortable emotions (anger, sadness or depression) that are actually a distraction and we distract ourselves with yet another distraction like reading, eating comfort foods, or even exercise that shift the discomfort which has been an even further distraction from the ‘real’ fear of abandonment. See how that works? A pattern has been created to not only distract us but to completely confuse us on what is really happening and to draw us further away from the ‘core fear’ that we chose at a spiritual level to work through so that we could grow. Growing up becomes much more convoluted with all the ways in which we have chosen to distract ourselves.

What a confusing mess we create! It’s no wonder we feel we don’t have fears – because they are so hidden by first emotions and then behaviors.

Phew – do you understand how incredible we really are? Our ego has discovered ways to push our “growth”, our Spiritual Enlightenment, away by focusing on something else so that we won’t feel the impact of our core fears because our ego believes they are too powerful and we couldn’t possibly work through and make the choices that would empower and enlighten us by facing our core fears. In its own way our ego believes it is helping us with our overwhelming fears through emotions that trigger reactions to distract us from the pain our fears create.

It’s confusing just to try and explain the kind of protection mechanism of the ego – yet the ego doesn’t really protect us at our core – and knowing this is important because overcoming the false protection is the reason we are here – we are here to Evolve and Grow Up. To do that we must become aware of the fears that govern our lives. We must not only recognize the fears but to recognize the addictions we use as distractions – and then to recognize the emotions that try to hide the core fear and then, if all this isn’t enough, we need to recognize the behaviors we use as distractions to keep from feeling uncomfortable. What a confusing mess we create! It’s no wonder we feel we don’t have fears – because they are so hidden by first emotions and then behaviors.

The key to our growing up is:
  • To BE conscious of the choices we are making and to refrain from making unconscious reactions to our feeling uncomfortable.
  • To BEcome conscious of all choices we make – instead of living on automatic default.
  • To BE aware of our emotions and the attempts we make to distract ourselves.
  • And to Remember that we are Perfect Right NOW! We don’t need to change – but rather just become Conscious of what we are doing right now.
This isn’t easy work. However it can be an opportunity to expand our consciousness and connect into the Infinite Love, Acceptance and Joy that is within us at all times. It allows us the opportunity to face the fears we chose in order to Grow Up and uncover the Truth and Inner Being that is really who we are! Join me on this incredible journey Home. Instead of In Fear We Trust – Let’s change it to In Love We Trust!

Content Source- https://www.intuitivesoul.com/in-fear-we-trust