As I
do each year I like to share a message that I have always felt passionate
about: ‘the Magic of the Holidays’. These Magical energies are available to us
during the Christmas Season – and really at all other times – however they are
amplified during the holidays. I want you to imagine a wish this year. If you
could have anything what would that be? What would it look like? Feel like? Are
you imagining? World Peace or Health, Wealth and Happiness? What would be
the biggest dream you could imagine?
if I told you – “You could have anything your Heart Desires”? You
just have to follow a few simple guidelines.
- Everyone has
free will – therefore we can’t wish for something that will influence,
change or manipulate another
- It is about
Giving not Receiving
- Let it come
from a place of compassion and your Heart – instead of greed and fear
- Allow it to
come from within instead of outside of us
- How would it
make you feel if you had it?
has free will. To flow with the energies and Laws of the Universe we shouldn’t
interfere with another’s free will. Often we want to change someone else, to
make them see that we are ‘right’ or to manipulate them to do or be what we
want. Unfortunately this often just shows us that we are coming from a place of
fear and Ego – always wanting to be in control and greedy. Fear won’t create
the Magic. Unfortunately it also means that all those Love Spells that we covet
are, at worst, coming from a place of dark magic as it manipulates someone’s free
will who doesn’t love us and, at best, gray magic because it would influence
someone or manipulate them to love us even though their the love is already
there for us. And so we need to follow the guidelines to create the Magic of
the Holidays as this is the way of us creating our Wishes and we must create
our Wishes from a place of non-fear and the only changes we can make are within
ourselves. Love that respects everyone’s free will allows our Dreams to
Manifest. This is our first guideline.
Magic that exists is more powerful if it comes from a place of Giving instead
of Receiving. Our second guideline. Too often we focus on what we want, need or
desire or have expectations about because when we give we are expecting that we
will receive something back in return. This creates expectations and conditions
on what we give. Instead of giving from our Hearts to another we are giving
because our Ego is desiring something in return. The true Gift of the
Magical Energy available to us – especially at this time of the year –
isn’t what we receive or even how our gifts
are received by others: it is in the unconditional Love through which we give.
So if looking at our Wish let’s Imagine how it can be a Gift to others. If we
Dream of Happiness and Love let’s imagine how can we Give this to others. This
will support your Wishes as well as follow the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as
you will have them do unto you.” (Matt. 7:12). When we Give Love and Happiness
unconditionally to others our own Hearts overflow. Then and only then can we
truly be open to receiving. Our Wishes radiate out through our Love and
Compassion for others. A great guideline and a great way to feel.
have our Wishes come from this Compassionate place and it will always be about
Love over Fear. When we only consider our Wishes from what we want then we are
always focusing on what we don’t have and therefore here we are: Wishing from a
place of fear of lack and/or greed. When we wish for a relationship – let’s
Wish it by Radiating Love; when we wish for money – let’s Wish it by Radiating
Love; when we Wish for anything let’s Wish it by Radiating Love because Love is
always the answer. When we share our Heart, live with Compassion, and Love
unconditionally – and we don’t have expectations –
we come from a place of Love. A Wish from Love opens our Heart and Radiates
that Love all around us. A great third guideline.
movie “The Secret” was a powerful movie but unfortunately it misinformed us to
search outside ourselves for happiness. Love and Happiness will never last if
our Ego wants “more” – a bigger house, more money, more success. When we are
seeking something that exists within us by searching outside of us we won’t
ever be satisfied. Love and Happiness exist within us. We make the choice on
how we experience the world. It may not always feel like a choice at the time
but it always is such a choice. And if our Wish is something outside of us it
is NOT within our control. Also such a Wish may interfere with someone else’s
free will. Yet more importantly: we don’t create from the outside in; we create
from the inside out. This is the guideline. We are wise to follow it if we want
to avail ourselves of the Magic of the Holiday.
brings me to the last point, the last guideline: how will you Feel when your
Wish comes true? Like I previously mentioned if your wish is for Love BE Love;
if your wish is for more Money or Success BE Love! Love is an inside job; so
are Happiness, Joy, Peace and Freedom. If you deeply desire something outside
of you – focus on how it will make you feel inside instead of focusing on the
outside of having the object, situation or person you want! If you are
struggling due to finances – which many do especially during the Holiday Season
– then what would that extra money feel like? And can you feel the Love inside
when you Imagine that all is right within your world? Most importantly: don’t
focus on how it makes you feel to not have enough – which is often where our
focus lies. Instead focus on the Freedom, Love or Happiness that your Wish will
bring you within. This is the Key! Then Radiate that Love that you Feel within
– outside of you. What a Gift this is to you and to those around you. The
Universe responds to your Giving and your Giving is based on your Feeling
inside: your Feeling of Love, of Happiness, of Knowing that all is as it should
be in your world – as you sense your Wish fulfilled.
is the time, this Magical Holiday Time, to inspire you to Dream BIG and let the
Magic Unfold. To Hold Love within your Heart and Radiate this Love outside of
you – from within you. To capture some of the Magic for which this message was
written and KNOW that your Wish can come true when you are coming from that
place of Unconditional Love that exists within you! So what is your Wish? Can
you follow these guidelines and Create with the Magic that surrounds you? I
invite you to Play, Dance, and Share this Love inside while Opening your Heart
to the Magic of the Holiday Season. Happy Holidays from My Heart to Yours!
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