Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Intimacy (Into-me-see)

Usually when I think of fall, especially at the beginning of Sept, I think about new beginnings, learning and change. This year my thinking seems to be on Intimacy. I mentioned last month I’m participating in Emmanuel Dagher’s “Core Healing” and this past week the theme was on Divine Partners. The topic of intimacy came up and I believe due to the fact that today Venus enters Libra and Jupiter is transiting into Libra early this month (Sept 9th) the focus for many of us will be on relationships this fall and for the next year (romantic, friends and colleagues) as Jupiter will be in Libra till Oct 2017.

I love the word “Intimacy” as it brings up a series of thoughts and ideas; it is about ‘seeing me’. Do you remember the movie Avatar? The beautiful piece of that movie was their deep understanding of ‘seeing someone’ as they are; their inner essence. When it comes to creating intimacy with others, romantic and otherwise, we need to start with ourselves.

Intimacy is the ability to truly be seen, which many of us crave. To be acknowledged, accepted, heard, seen, appreciated etc. are all words that we use to describe what we seek from a deep place within.

However, I believe intimacy is also our deepest fear. We spend most of our time focused outside of ourselves, worrying about what others think about us. We spend a great deal of time trying to make others see us, but ultimately we worry about what they see. We focus on their perceptions, their beliefs, what they may or may not be saying about us and we get upset when we think we aren’t being seen and when others think unkindly of us. The irony of this is that it is none of our business. Truly the only thing that matters is not what others think of us but what we feel deep within us and whether we remember our inner essence of our Soul. We will never know what others think or feel nor will we know what they are being triggered over when it ‘appears’ that they are upset with us. And we can’t worry about that; because it is not within our control. The only thing we are in charge of is how we feel within us. The thing with this is we often are so focused outside that we don’t remember it is a choice how we feel inside.

What does this have to do with Intimacy (into-me-see) and our deepest fear of being seen? You may be wondering. Here is what I’m thinking: the more we focus outside, the more unconscious we are of our ‘discomforts’ or how we are feeling. We have become unconscious of our fears.
These fears of ‘intimacy’ come early in our lives – as soon as love becomes conditional. Once love becomes conditional – we worry about whether we meet the conditions of being loved and lovable. These fears also come from the collective unconscious where women were persecuted for stepping into their power and BEing seen. We have all had countless lives were being “seen” meant death, literally. Ultimately, we don’t feel safe BEing seen. And if this is the case, even though we desire on a deep level to BE seen by another, we fear it even more unconsciously (or consciously in some cases).

This is why ‘intimacy’ must start within first. Remember my post “What would you do… if you Loved Yourself?”? It was retraining you to consider how you would act, respond, and BE in the world knowing you loved yourself. If we desire others to ‘into-me-see’, then we must also see our true essence; the wholeness within us that will never change.

Yet we do many things to sabotage ourselves from BEing and remembering our true Self. Addictions, health issues, weight issues and focusing outside ourselves are all ways we sabotage our growth and hinder our remembering that we are already whole and complete. We even hope that a relationship will complete us!

So, how do we shift and BEgin to sincerely See Who we have always been from a place of Wholeness? How do we shift our thoughts from outside to our Inner Essence of BEing?

Ultimately, it becomes a choice. We often believe we have no choice; that things happen and we are constantly dealing with the outcomes of life. However, within us lies a strength that is infinite! Although everyone is different my belief is that this power exists within the Heart where there is a Divine Spark that reflects the ‘oneness’ of Source. It is perfect and Whole as is. We confuse this wholeness by accessing our ‘human’ fears, relying on the mind for everything, and focusing outside ourselves on past and future time lines.

But this Divine BEing that is you is always present and you can access it in many ways. It is the Observer of your life. It can only be accessed within the Now moment. And it is Infinite!

Find your way to access this Infinite Source of You and radiate it outward from the inside. This will allow you to BE seen and to have Intimacy with others because you will BE seen within first. If you are like most of us and desire to finally be ‘seen’ and develop Intimacy (into-me-see) with another in your life then take the time to SEE yourself first. Truly get acquainted with the beauty that exists within you. Face your fears, open your heart and remember you are already Whole

See more at- https://www.intuitivesoul.com

Monday, 1 August 2016

Healing is Remembering You Are Whole

As most of you know by now I look for my inspiration from my life. I dedicate my work to Growing and Evolving towards Love within myself first! So, when I connect with someone or a class I feel inspired to take, I will. This month Emmanuel Dagher is promoting his Core Attunements work that begins Sunday August 14th for 5 weeks. If you sign up by August 10th you receive “A Clear Path to Healing” attunement that I have received and that is the inspiration for this Blog! It is packed full of incredible information on Healing and confirms much of my work. What I want to discuss is the core belief that “Healing is Remembering You Are Whole”! How inspiring is That! Think about the possibilities this suggests!

When we feel separate from Source and our Inner Self we believe we have to heal, change or fix ourselves or others. We believe this because we don’t feel our connection to Source. We feel broken and ‘not enough’! We are driven to try to fix or change ourselves and often do this by searching outside of ourselves. We seek someone or something that will fix, change or heal our thoughts, our bodies, our emotions and our Soul/Spirit. As discussed in my last blog on Addictions to Wholeness we become addicted because we don’t remember who we are and that we are already ‘whole’ within ourselves. We become addicted to searching outside ourselves for the answer that lies within. That answer is that we are already ‘Whole’! We don’t need to change or fix ourselves and healing occurs when we remember this ‘truth’.

Now we know that ‘things happen’ and we will never have complete control over anything that ‘happens’. However, we can be in charge of how we respond and we can choose Love instead of reacting from a place of fear. We only react when we take things personally. We take things personally because we forget ‘Who we are’ and that we are already ‘Whole and Perfect’. True freedom comes when we stop seeking outside ourselves and know what can only be offered from within. True freedom comes when we stop our ‘addictions’ which distract ourselves from discomfort and from feeling all the beliefs we have that we are Broken and Not Enough. This is when we can stand in ourselves and, like Matt Kahn says, “Whatever Arises, Love That”. Love it and remember that we are already Whole. We have a Divine Spark within us that is Infinite and Whole!

Things happen and we can choose to come from a place of Love instead of Fear. We can choose to connect to that Infinite BEing within us that is Whole and Knows it is Perfect just as it is. When we stand in a place of BEing empowered we remember. When we get caught up in the Fear – and fear permeates the collective unconscious of this planet so there’s a lot of fear – we then believe we have to change, fix and heal something within ourselves or someone or situation outside ourselves. This is how we forget and this is when ‘healing’ loses the Magick that we inherently are.

Let me give an example of what I’m saying: this month I had to have a root canal on a back molar. Ten years ago I was told I would likely have to have a root canal on this tooth. This month I remembered why I am terrified of dentists (after my dentist asked me to meditate while she was doing a cleaning as she refused to fill the tooth that needed a root canal): when I was 6 or 7 I ran into a wall and chipped my tooth. The dentist that we had told my parents and everyone (including our insurance) that I had to have a root canal on this tooth because it was exposing a nerve. I discovered many years later this root canal was never done and he lied. However, I believe now he was a bit of a sadist and this lie gave him an opportunity to torture me without the proper local anesthetic for a couple of hours. My mom remembers me screaming the whole time. So this fear began a long mistrust in authority figures! This kind of mistrust impacts almost every area of my life. It sets up a pattern of mistrust and a belief that others can have power over me. So I kept putting off the procedure.

However avoidance and ignorance won’t make something go away. We already tried this with our addictions. Pretending they aren’t there won’t help us to BE Whole or to remember our Infinite Self.  Now it is possible that I could have ‘healed’ this from ever having to occur but as I said “things happen” and I had delayed it out of fear for too long. Things happen because we need to remember and in this case ‘heal’ my fear around a distrust of authority figures (which I may have never realized if it wasn’t through this dental surgery). The gift in ‘healing’ may not be what we want (not having to ever go to a dentist) but can certainly be what we need – which is to heal a belief that is disempowering!

Things will continue to happen in our lives and our choice is to Remember Who we Are. To choose Love over fear. To Remember we are always Whole. Our bodies are temporary and borrowed. We can grow in changing our beliefs. I couldn’t trust dentists so I ignored and avoided them. I chose Fear! Freedom comes from choosing LOVE regardless of what happens and remembering the Magick of our Infinite Self. This empowers us to Remember our Wholeness and experience the Infiniteness of our True Self. Is there anything you are still living in fear of? How can you Remember the Magick of YOU that is Infinite and Whole?

See more at- https://www.intuitivesoul.com