Tuesday, 31 March 2015

What’s Your Motivation?

This past month I did a great interview with Eric Altman on motivation (http://www.intuitivesoul.com/news-for-the-heart-talks-with-eric-altman-on-motivation). To me this is an important piece to look at if we want to understand why we sabotage our own happiness. As you know, my personal journey has been focused on my health for the past couple of years, with the oncoming of Frozen Shoulders, heavy metal poisoning, and the realization that my body became pretty toxic as a result. In some ways it’s been a cosmetic reason, to lose weight but it has also been about having my shoulders functioning again. For too long now I have sabotaged my journey towards health by not doing what I know I need, and this process has dragged on, and in many ways has exasperated my pain.

While Eric and I were discussing what blocks us from attaining our goals, we touched upon an issue that many people have (Eric quoted that it could be as high as 95%). Many of us have an unconscious belief that we don’t want to be here. If it is such a high percentage, no wonder we sabotage out deepest desires! This is especially true when our desire is to be healthy. Up until 3 years ago, I didn’t have any physical distress. However, the chronic pain from both Frozen Shoulders and heavy metal poisoning brought about many changes. And many realizations about choices I’ve made and beliefs I’ve held, including that I didn’t want to be here. As well as decisions that if I were handicapped (chronic pain) I wouldn’t have to support myself. I didn’t have to take my chronic pain to this level or exasperate my condition further, because I realized the choices I was making and began the journey of healing.

Even though my shoulders are almost completely healed, I still continue to sabotage my health, even while I have consciously been focused on my health. And this is why I have continued to discuss it. This is the reason I want to discuss this with you. When you want something and you continue to sabotage your efforts, the place you need to look is your motivation. Conscious or unconscious, there is still a reason that you need to investigate, and discover why you continue to sabotage. Somewhere there is a conflicting motivation or belief that you need to uncover. Are you coming from a place from fear or love? This is critical when exploring your motivation.

Ask yourself if you are truly living? Where are you sabotaging your life? When you think about this life, do you often say you aren’t from here? Or are you looking forward to leaving, believing that the afterlife or your next life will be better? That this life you are being karmically punished?

When it comes to unconscious motivators we must remember that our “choices” come from the present! If we aren’t in the present, then we are reliving our past programming, our fears and our unconscious beliefs. When we are present and grounded, we can make better choices and observe and be more aware of our motivation. Both Eric and I have discussed how to become more grounded and that will allow for better choices (in our show http://www.intuitivesoul.com/news-for-the-heart-laurie-huston-talks-with-eric-altman). The trouble is that if on some unconscious level we do not want to be here suffering or for whatever reason, our motivation will be to sabotage the efforts of our conscious self who is doing our very best to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Beginning this Support Group with Eric Altman has definitely provided a new network of people to share and dream with. One of the most wonderful parts of being in a support group is that as you receive help and make progress on your journey, you are supporting others in the group on their journey. Likewise, as the other members of the group move forward on the issues they are working on, it helps you heal too! I invite you to share and explore your dreams and what is motivating them with us. If you find that there are certain things that you keep sabotaging, explore why. Discuss and share with a group of like-minded (or like-hearted) people. Find a way to be in charge of your choices and make sure all the parts of you are on board with moving in the same direction. Practice being Present and Grounded. This will assist you to be more aware. However, the most important thing to realize is that you are PERFECT just the way you are! Be Gentle to yourself and accept yourself! This will go a long way to Self-Love and Self-Care, the focus of 2015! And join our Support Group (http://www.intuitivesoul.com/services/eric-altmans-support-group) to support your Journey forward!

See more at:- http://www.intuitivesoul.com/category/blog 

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Tuesday, 24 March 2015

I Love

I love, because my love is not dependent on the object of love. My love is dependent on my state of being. So whether the other person changes, becomes different, friend turns into a foe, does not matter, because my love was never dependent on the other person. My love is my state of being. I simply love. –Osho

February is always Love month at Intuitive Soul. Whether it is self, romantic or all relationships, I like to term this “love month”. When I think of Love, I think about all the relationships we are in, as well as our continued evolution towards love over fear. The above quote from Osho, describes the type or kind of love that I would like to share with you this Love Month of 2013 and always.

Love is a state of Being, yet our definition of romantic Love seems to have become the most complicated emotion we experience in life. Or perhaps it is the Journey towards evolving into our state of Being that is so complicated. Relationships are how we grow our souls toward love and enlightenment. Some people are afraid of being loved and/or rejected, that they remove themselves from the game. However, regardless of who the players are, our soul will always find the right players to assist us with our growth. They may be our colleagues at work, our boss, our friends or our family. We can’t avoid our opportunities to evolve towards love. But we often try!

We also see the people, who believe they are in the game, but instead are emotionally unavailable or become emotionally available only to someone who cannot return their love. In love we see jealousy and obsession.  Often our love is conditional on the other person changing, being fixed or accepting that we are “right” and then we want to control how the relationship evolves.

We also see the people, who believe they are in the game, but instead are emotionally unavailable or become emotionally available only to someone who cannot return their love. In love we see jealousy and obsession.  Often our love is conditional on the other person changing, being fixed or accepting that we are “right” and then we want to control how the relationship evolves.

As I continue to be reminded, love isn’t about what we can receive. It isn’t about someone loving us back. It isn’t about our ego’s desire to control and manipulate the object of our affection (no matter how unconscious this is). Love is about “giving” and BEing. It is about opening our hearts, being vulnerable, being messy, and evolving from the pain and fears we learned about, that we thought love was. It is about letting go of the corrupted ideas and expectations of what love is.

Imagine if we could be in a state of BEing that is LOVE? That isn’t conditional on anything outside of us. It isn’t dependent on anyone loving us back. It is just about giving unconditionally. Because you are LOVE!! So ultimately being in a state of love is more about  connecting with who you truly are….a journey in to oneself, an inward journey rather than the outward journey that so many of us pursue in the name of LOVE. Imagine how the world would respond to our Being. We wouldn’t be so obsessed about- who or when or if. We would just give love or BE LOVE.

Join me this month to experiment on something new… for 30 days, focus on journeying inward to tap into the love that is within you, that is you and share this with others without expecting anything in return. Without having to be right, or saying or doing things that are forms of manipulation, to get someone to like or love you. Rather just open your heart and express the love and gratitude that you are! Don’t just experiment with your significant other, and include your friends, family, and the person at the checkout counter. Be LOVE!

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Eric Altman’s Support Group


Eric Altman’s Support Group Tuesday afternoons at 2pm PDT (5pm EDT)

Eric and I have come up with the best Support Group we can imagine!

It includes FOUR group calls each month. PLUS – we love for you to have an opportunity to ask your own questions about any area of your spiritual journey that you need support with right now. You can ask them live or email them to us ahead of time.

It includes FOUR Heart Field Healings directly from Eric through his Distance Healing Series every Thursday from 7pm-8pm PDT. Read more about that Here….

If you might miss one of the calls or maybe even all of the calls, IT IS OK! We will be providing you with a recording of each show. If you know you can not be live on the call, just email us your question and we will make sure that the healing you need is addressed within the call.
As I am sure many of you know, one of the many wonderful things about this work is that the healing energy is infused into the recording of the call. So each time you listen to it you will receive the love and healing energy all over again!

Eric’s Thursday night Heart Field Healing Distance Series is valued at $150 USD per month.

4 weekly calls are valued at $200 USD per month.

Support Group is $129 USD per month or Sign Up for three months and pay only $97 USD per month and save 73%!

Eric Altman’s Support Group Tuesday afternoons at 2pm PDT (5pm EDT)

Eric and I have come up with the best Support Group we can imagine!

- See more at: http://www.intuitivesoul.com/services/eric-altmans-support-group#sthash.N0HFclOL.dpuf

Monday, 16 March 2015

Spring into New Beginnings

I always get excited as we move into Spring. Even though we have had snow this week, I feel change in the air! I feel more empowered and ready to start some new things or to follow through on the goals that I know are for my highest and best interest.

The challenge is to come from a place of Being instead of doing. Instead of feeling the need to fix, change, heal or do something different, I know that what I want must come from a change in my state of Being that is in alignment with my highest good and Soul’s essence.  It must come from a place of Love rather than fear; and from my heart over my head.

However, we typically come from a state of trying to fix, change or do because we don’t understand the difference and because we focus on the problems and things we don’t like in ourselves as well as in others. These reactions are usually met with resistance and eventually frustration. Our patterns of sabotage resurface as we hold the same unconscious beliefs.

Our first priority is to discover what our motivation is. Here is my example. I made a commitment to my health and wellbeing this past week, making 3 decisions to support my Soul’s desire to be healthy. For the first time after making 2 major purchases, I did not doubt my motivation or worry about the decision and cost. Typically, I fret and worry restlessly that I made a bad decision or choice. This is a result of past experiences where I regretted my choice or had been scammed in some way. I also know that when I worry about my choice, my motivation comes from a place of fear. These decisions were motivated for the health of my Being. So, I knew I felt supported.

It may seem like a subtle difference but it makes all the difference in the world. If your motivation is from a place of love, self-love, self-acceptance and appreciation, then you begin to align with your inner and higher powers and these energies all work together to assist you to achieve your goals and create magic. Synchronicities occur that show, you are in alignment with your highest potential.

If instead, you try to manipulate, control, fix, heal and change something from a state of fear, because it isn’t working or because you are upset, angry, frustrated, unhappy or worried about the future, then you recreate the very patterns that created the problem in the first place. When we work from fear, then we are working against ourselves, and resistance and sabotage come into play.

Align with your highest good and Soul essence when you make your choices in life and watch how the world creates magic all around you!