I have always been against the way the Law of Attraction (LOA) has been
described in ‘The Secret’ and by many other people and their books that have
arisen as a result of this documentary. Mostly I have had issues about it
because it tends to focus on everything outside of us and, really, does having
the biggest house ever assist us in our spiritual growth? I believe that many
of us are too focused on our lives from the outside – making ourselves
comfortable and accumulating ‘things’. However, when it comes to the things
that count, we often hope that there will be something outside ourselves that
will assist us. We long for enough money so that we can experience the
‘freedom’ or ‘happiness’ we so desperately seek inside. So we tend to
accumulate ‘things’ that will make us more comfortable but do they assist us
Recently I have been introduced to a beautiful Soul Sister, Michelle
Gordon, who has written two series of ‘fiction’ books that once you begin
to assimilate you realize they have a sense of ‘truth’ within them that just
can’t be explained as fiction or fantasy. While reading her ‘Visionary Series’
she introduces the concept of choosing to tune into a reality from the infinite
possibilities that exist once we make a choice. Now this isn’t a ‘new’ concept
to me but it was introduced in a way that deeply resonated with me. As Tom
Campbell often discusses in his work we have infinite possibilities and
probabilities based on our choices that exist simultaneously. And of course
Jerry and Esther Hicks have discussed the concept of the radio and tuning into
the frequency we desire.
What set this apart was the simplicity of how Michelle offered her concept.
What if it is as simple as stating to the Universe that “I choose to tune into
the reality where…”. During a recent meditation with my Heart-Centered Support
Group I asked everyone to have their guide show them three different
possibilities of realities to choose from. For each possible reality I asked
each person to go into the future one year and then five years to see if that
first year outcome needed to be tweaked as they may have forgotten to request
something that was essential – or of course during that time they may have made
different choices that created outcomes that may or may not have been what they
were intending.
I believe we all have dreams that we want fulfilled in our lives. As my
disdain for the LOA continues it isn’t about the biggest house or the fastest
car: it is about assisting us to be the ‘best’ we can be from the inside.
Having optimal health, having inner happiness or peace, living with intention
and purpose and having the ability to practice acceptance in my life as well as
with others, these are a few of the inner ‘things’ that are important to me.
These can not be realized by focusing on what is outside of me. No amount of
accumulation of ‘things’ will ever achieve these desires. However being
homeless or stuck somewhere that doesn’t feed my soul would definitely impair
my growth. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs if we are stuck in Survival or Safety
needs we won’t be able to evolve to Self-Actualization and will be forced to
work on these lower level issues first and foremost.
I guess the question I want you to ponder is, “what do you truly need to be
all that you desire to BE?” Our Heart and Soul do dream and inspire us to
Evolve and BEcome. If we forget to Dream we will never grow. If we don’t look
at our challenges as opportunities to grow we will never Evolve. And if we
don’t look at our choices, always asking if we are making our choices from a place
of Love over Fear, we can’t learn to make better choices. So if you knew that
you could choose to tune into a reality that already existed where you made the
choices that allowed you to achieve your dreams would you? Could you believe
that there is a possible reality out there that exists with all the choices
where what you dreamed of are present and occurring?
What if these simple words, here in this article, were the key to shifting
into the alternate reality that already exists as a possibility? Can you
imagine this? We know that stating your dreams to the Universe lets your
‘support-team’ know that you are ready (and if you aren’t then you will receive
the gentle guidance necessary to shift your beliefs) to experience the reality
you choose. But so often we either forget to ask or else we doubt our dreams!
Why would we doubt an inspiration that comes from our Heart or Soul? So why not
totally commit to the dream and reality that exists? Why not ask to tune into
the reality where you ARE living with intention and purpose and optimal health
– having already learned the lessons you needed around living without
optimal health or living on purpose already!
So, believing that this is the case and that we can tune into this reality
you don’t want to fool around but to be clear, ask, and allow the Magic to
Unfold! What will you Choose? I choose to tune into the reality where…
choices, Clearing
and Healing Techniques, clearing energy, fear vs love, Intuitive
Counseling, intuitive
counselor, Laurie
Huston, Law
Of Attraction, LOA, Michelle Gordon, News for the Heart,
News for
the Heart Radio, reality,
Tom Campbell.
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