Thursday, 30 April 2015

Motivation and Resistance

Lately, my focus has been on “When the Law of Attraction (LOA) Doesn’t Work”, so much so that I am considering writing a book on it. On my journey I continue to encounter resistance to change and it leads me to understand my motivation to create. Often we are trying to create something outside ourselves that will fill a void within us. Many sources of the LOA suggest that we can manifest money, cars, houses and relationships and we get caught up in the illusion that this will fill the unhappiness within us.

We, of course, know that happiness must start within first before we can manifest it outside of ourselves. So, determining our motivation is key. Are we trying to attract/create from a place of fear (eg. when we want money it is often because we are afraid we won’t have enough or are coming from a place of lack or poverty consciousness) or love (eg. if we can come from a soul’s desire to evolve and an acceptance of all that is, not trying to change, do or need). Can something outside of us, that is desired from a place of pain, fear and lack do anything but maintain the status quo and greediness of our society? How can we come from an authentic space of allowing love, heart and soul to guide us in our evolution?

Are we looking at the emptiness, loneliness, sadness, unworthiness that evades our hearts, the separation and abandonment we feel within and working towards bringing these states into balance through awareness and consciousness? Or are we trying to fill the elusive void with things outside us, in an attempt to capture brief moments of inauthentic happiness and fulfillment until the next conquest?

I believe that our motivation for creating must begin with acceptance of who we are and an understanding from an authentic place not one of avoidance and fear of not being good enough for others to love and accept us for who we are. I feel we must begin with where we are and acknowledge the fear that is often the guide in our choices. This awareness is the beginning step to create real change. Resistance often holds us back because we are afraid of the unknown, yet, predetermining or trying to control our future is what keeps us stuck. We have to embrace change, and become conscious of our choices so that we can move towards creating the change within us from a place of love and acceptance. We have to be aware of our motivations at all time. We have to let go of our past regrets and future worries and Be who we are. Then make choices from a state of growing into love. Simple, but not always easy.

See more at:

Monday, 20 April 2015

Conscious Creation from the Heart

My feeling is that Conscious Creation isn’t about the mind, or “The Secret” philosophy, which is the Law of Attraction. This keeps us focused outside ourselves.

It focuses on the “who” we want in our lives, and the “how” which is all about control; the ego driven desires (biggest house, best education, fastest car, the most money, to be the sexiest, the prettiest, the best etc!!). We search outside for all the “comforts” of the ego. This is how the mind works. The mind is external. It is our external senses. What we see, hear, smell, taste etc. We are never satisfied from a mind/ego space. When something goes wrong, we blame it on something outside ourselves. When a relationship changes, we focus on what we’ve lost. We focus on it being “personal”. It is always about “me”. The ego. Or if we have low self esteem, and many of us do, we blame ourselves for doing something wrong! We go over and over what we could have, would have, or should have done.

When we focus outside ourselves, we are never satisfied or we never feel enough! We can shift the energy of our situation, by being grateful! By forgiving. By being positive. By getting by on what we have. By accepting our circumstances. By loving ourselves. Except we don’t know what love is when focused on our minds and egos. It is limited, based on our experiences of love. And because we are seeing it from outside ourselves. We are seeing the world as what it reflects to us. We see our world by our relationships; through our homes; through what we have accumulated; through whether we can “survive”. Our world, defined by our ego, is seen through how much money we have, our bills/debt, whether we are “successful” or a failure. We see everything outside ourselves through our ego! Are we “right”? Do we have “enough”? The problem is we will never have enough!!!

We are reminded to go back to our childhood innocence! This is where our souls spoke to us the loudest. Reminding us Who we are! Our soul will never tell us we need to have so much money in the bank. Or have the biggest house or fastest car. However, we may have gotten excited by a flashy red bicycle or sports car, because it was beautiful and shiny, our hair would blow in the wind and we felt free!

Our hearts don’t care “who” we love, what they look like or what letters they have before or after their name. It doesn’t care about how “big” their house is or how much money they make. Our hearts care about how we feel around them. How our heart opens and expands when we’re with them. Once our hearts stop opening or expanding, then we stop growing and is time to change something within us. Our heart doesn’t care where we live or how “successful” we are or whether we impress our friends, family or neighbours! Our heart cares about how much we love and how much we can accept Who we Are! To just BE who we are without the fear attached to it.

Our heart/soul speaks to us through gentle nudgings. It reminds us everything is “perfect” just the way it is. No matter how turbulent it appears outside us. It speaks through our passion for life and reminds us what makes us feel passionate! Our heart/soul is speaking to us when we get lost in a book because our imagination is inspired. While we are writing, creating a piece of art or observing a piece of art. When time is lost, it is because we were aligned with our soul.

Our soul doesn’t care about our bills or our bank account, however, it doesn’t want us to live in disappointment either. It aches when we continue to focus outside because it means we will never be satisfied! We can never feel our “magic” if we focus outside. And we need to remember our magic!!!

Conscious creation is about aligning with our Souls’ purpose and being guided through that gentle guidance coming from our hearts. Instead of focusing on money or career, we need to focus on being aligned with what our soul work is. Instead of focusing on our Soulmate, we want to focus on aligning our inner Being with who we are from this soul perspective. Instead of focusing on the big house, we align with our “inner” home. Then the universe can align with what is in our true and best interest.

Conscious Creation is making choices from Love instead of fear. Aligning ourselves with our inner Truth. Coming from a place of integrity from the place within us, not outside us.

Monday, 13 April 2015

When the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work

The biggest part of my journey has been to understand my own growth and spiritual evolution. Like many of us, I have been hearing about the Law of Attraction (LOA) for almost 20 years, through sources like Abraham Hicks, then the movie The Secret. This has been an empowering and exciting part of this journey. However, we all seem to be going through extraordinary challenges, and I question whether the LOA is always in the forefront of what we are creating.

My current understanding of life has changed. I feel that we need to be more authentic than always being “happy” and thinking only positive thoughts; that our unconscious is already full of emotions that we can’t deal with at this time; that what we really need is to be in the Now moment and focusing on opening our hearts and accepting and loving who we are versus trying to control our dreams through our fears.

What is worse is many people feel like failures when the LOA isn’t working for them. Another way we are betrayed, unworthy and/or abandoned by God. However, I have come to realize that there are some main reasons why the LOA doesn’t work the way we were taught in The Secret.
  1. There are more laws then the LOA that are at play in the Universe. Our planet has the Law of Projection, where we see where we need to grow mirrored in others around us. But we see these people, or mirrors, as separate from ourselves and therefore can’t take 100% responsibility for our growth and what is in our lives. How can we attract when we aren’t aware what we are projecting?
  1. We are using our will over the Will of God. We are always trying to control our future, through our expectations and attachments to what occurs in our future. We want to be in the driver’s seat, and the LOA is the perfect vehicle to allow us this control. We aren’t aligning with our Soul and inner Divine essence so that we co-create what our soul desires or needs, which we may not be aware of.
  1. We have underlying and unhealed unconscious programming that governs our life. Most of our programming came into effect within our first 7 years. And we also agreed to our family’s lineage lessons and our Soul’s lessons from past lives. These unconscious programs come into effect when we try to change our old, stuck patterns.
There is confusion around what being responsible for our lives really means. LOA uses responsibility to mean that we are attracting what we don’t want through our conscious thoughts and our negative thinking. I believe instead that if something is in our lives that affects us, we are responsible for our reactions, responses, acceptance, healing and growth. Everything in our lives is here for a reason. It would be most beneficial if we could establish the reasons and motivations for what we “don’t want” in our lives, and from there make different choices.

See more at:

Monday, 6 April 2015

Holiday Relationships

We are coming into the Holiday season, one that has so much promise and is full of expectations, good and bad. Some may even feel the excitement of possibilities that they haven’t felt in so long. One thing I hear most often that continues to be expressed around the Holidays is about our dysfunctional relationships.

The holidays are a difficult time of year for many people. If you are single, the hopes of finding true love and magic at this time, hold allure, although, it may also hold a great deal of sadness and lost hope. If you are in a new relationship then there are the expectations of a relationship going to the next level. Or if you are in an existing relationship it is about maintaining or rediscovering the spark. Also there are the family get-together’s that create so much stress, as we try to meet our own ego’s expectations of having the “perfect” Holiday Dinner. All scenarios can create a stressful holiday season!

There is no easy solution, but we can find a way to get out of our heads and into the one place that we belong during the holidays, our Heart! The Magic of the Holiday season is that there is an energy of “giving”. We all have had the disappointment of not getting what we wanted. This is because of our expectations and our ego wanting something that we anticipated from someone else. Yet we all know the magic of discovering the perfect gift for someone else. However, this may have led to disappointment if it was not received with the joy that we put into it.

The holiday season is about Giving, not getting. If we could change our perspectives around this and only focus on how we can serve others; friends, partners, and our families, we wouldn’t be so stressed and we could embrace the Magic of the Holiday Season. When we are in our heads we are trying to control and manipulate those around us as well as ourselves, so that we will be liked or accepted.
The problem is that we are going about this from a mental and ego’s viewpoint. When we try and control or manipulate a situation, it is because we are holding a past memory that has a belief or fear within it. When we hold our beliefs and fears from the place of a core wound, we react instead of respond. The Holidays are filled with memories, beliefs, and fears that reflect our core wounds. Our mission, if we choose to accept it, is to stop focusing on what we want, and shift it over to what we can give to others! Think of all the beautiful gifts that you have to offer the people in your life and your community.

The gift of theHolidays is that the Magic of this time is strong, and we have an opportunity to connect into this beautiful vibration of giving more easily. My invitation to you is get out of your head and your ego’s “wantings” and shift your focus towards what you can give to others. When you do this with your heart it means that you don’t expect anything in return. Imagine that this Holiday season you have the time, energy and/or money (if necessary) that others don’t, and that you just want to give because you don’t need anything in return. Your heart is full and exuberant. You are expressing your Soul’s essence and snuggling safely within your heart’s space.
Happy Holidays!