We have all heard
sayings such as Home is where the Heart is and Follow your Heart.
One of my favorite quotes is: “Our Heart carries the wings of our dreams and
the desire to realize them” by Fernando Soave.
The heart has the
power to deliver our dreams and has been the focus of my energy for several
years. I have grown to understand and appreciate this power. Training and
research has proven that my intuitive guidance on the power of the heart is as
impressive as I had believed. I am participating in a Tele-summit RealitiesofCreation.com that begins September 8th.
We will publish a book (of which my chapter is all about the Power of the Heart)
and we will be going on a cruise in April, 2015. For my part of the book, I
have two purposes; one is to show all the research that has been done to help
you understand the power of the heart; and how using this research to
keep your heart clear and coherent you may have access to as much of the Heart
Field as possible. Secondly, it is to offer you ways to access the power of the
heart to create the dreams you desire in your life and align to your Soul’s
The human Heart
is now documented as the strongest generator of both electric and magnetic
fields in the body. This is important, because we’ve always been taught that
the brain is where all of the action is. Multiple Brain Integration Techniques
from mBraining.com (research done through Grant Soosla) teaches that we have 3
brains (proven to date), our mind has 100 billion neurons, the gut brain has
500 million neurons (the same size as the brains of cats and dogs) and the
heart has only 30,000-120,000 neurons. While the brain also has an electromagnetic
field, it is relatively weak compared to the Heart. The Heart is about 100,000
times stronger electrically and up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically than
the brain. This is important, because the physical world is made of these two
fields: the electric and magnetic fields of Energy. Physics demonstrates
that a change in our electromagnetic field produces atomic level
transformation: as we change our energy, we change our state of matter and
BEing, and moreover, everyone we encounter. We literally change that atom
and its elements within our body and this world. The human Heart is designed to
do this from an emotional state.
teaches that our heart emits an electromagnetic field that changes in
accordance to our emotions. The magnetic field can be measured several feet
from the body. Positive emotions create physiological benefits in your body.
You can boost your immune system by conjuring positive emotions. Negative
emotions create a nervous system chaos where positive emotions do the opposite.
The heart has a system of neurons that have both short and long term memory,
and their signals sent to the brain can affect our emotional experience. Our
heart sends more information to the brain than vice versa. Our positive
emotions help the brain in creativity and innovative problem solving. Positive
emotions increase the brain’s ability to make good decisions.
What does this
mean? The implications are huge!
Research has
shown that the heart sends powerful signals to the brain and rest of the body.
Once understood and accessed, these heart signals give you more ability to
self-regulate your emotions and nervous system and to make changes you thought
you couldn’t make before. Throughout history, people have talked about the core
values of the heart, which include love, care, appreciation, respect,
compassion, kindness, forgiveness and non-judgment. These values and attitudes,
which we call core heart feelings, generate the heart signals that bring more
coherence to the body’s systems. When your initial effort is “from the heart,”
it brings your mind and emotions into cooperative alignment, and this gives you
more intuitive clarity to clear disturbances, and more strength and energy to
achieve your goals. That’s why coaches say, “play from the heart” or “sing from
the heart” or “put your heart into it.” Putting your heart into whatever you do
gives more power, enjoyment and better results.
What interferes
with our Heart’s inner power is stress. One of the largest positive
impacts on stress is through our breath. If breath controls the
heart, and heart produces our most powerful field generator, then breath
becomes one of our most potent catalysts for changing our energy field.
In martial art,
yoga, bodywork, counseling and coaching, we use a tool called entrainment
(Heartmath calls Coherence): a technique for synchronizing and controlling
cardiac rhythm by an external stimulus, in most cases, our own breath. As we
breathe, so too does the entrained individual or group. As we change our
breath, and entrain others to do so, we change the heart rhythm – the most
powerful force in the human body.
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