Monday, 29 April 2019

Past Lives

Recently I have been thinking a lot about past lives: why are they fleeting memories; why we chose to forget them; is there anything significant to learn by them; or are they just a distraction? The question is: I wonder if our past lives assist us to Grow Up towards Love or distract us from living this life because they trigger our fears or possibly overwhelm us? Some people believe that once we have evolved our consciousness to a certain point – our past lives will aid our growth towards Love. I’m doing an interview with Tom Campbell at the end of this month about Virtual Realities and Past Lives as an ongoing series of VR from Tom’s perspective. And therefore this brings me to contemplating people, places, and situations that we encounter and these in turn trigger feelings encouraged by past lives.

So do our past lives assist us with this life? We are here to grow and the Larger Consciousness System (Tom’s explanation of Source, Akashic Records, or God from a scientific perspective) is here to assist us. Clearly there is a reason we chose to forget our past lives and there is no way to prove whether our glimpses into a past life is really ours or if we are connecting in with the LCS or Akasic Records and downloading information from another life whether ours or someone else’s. From the perspective of Growth it could be argued both ways that either remembering or forgetting our Past Lives could help us grow. However, if we have numerous lives – thousands – would it benefit us to remember? Especially considering the fear we have accumulated from these past lives because the Earth wasn’t as evolved and only recently have we moved to a place where there is enough Love to make a difference on our planet.

Often I see the exploration of Past Lives to be a distraction. We can get so caught up in these glimpses into the past – whether significant or not – that they just distract us from our work here. For example if we connected into a life where we were important and had a name we could now research and discover who we were does this help or does it hinder us by focusing on something that creates more fear rather than love? We all want to believe we have been significant and notable in the past especially if we don’t feel we are making a difference in this life. This is all wrapped around our purpose: we are here to make a difference and to grow up towards Love. If we feel like we have lost our purpose or if we have become stuck then we don’t feel worthy and loveable. Could this be the problem? This feeling of being unworthy and unlovable creates fear instead of helping us grow towards love and we become depressed rather than thriving so we look for ways to feel better and put energy into our past. I think one of the biggest problems is that we put our focus into areas that distract us from feeling uncomfortable. This is where knowing about Past Lives becomes a distraction.

Sometimes we just need to understand what is happening to us now and uncover the fears that hold us back from living our best life.

So we become a society that encourages the analyzing of everything. We focus on what is wrong and I believe when we shift our focus to a past life we may come up with reasons why we are where we are now. However, is discovering these reasons important? My feeling is that whatever fear we are working through in this life – core fears we have chosen to work through – we have everything we need in this life to assist us to grow. So does the source of the fear matter? Is it also distracting us even more by over-analyzing everything that has ever happened to us and is that just keeping us in our head instead of our hearts?

What would be the benefit of remembering a past life? I guess if we could remember every life – at least on this planet – we could remember all of our mistakes and hopefully make better choices. We could use the fears we have had the courage to face and use that to assist us to have the courage to face the fears we have chosen for this life. And if we evolved significantly in a past life it might assist us to remember how to do it in this life too. It would likely help us make better choices in relationships – but then what about the people who are determined to grow up and who have interfered in our past lives and hurt us – would that make us just hesitate to become involved again? And if so would that be detrimental to those in our past lives if we automatically refused to entertain a relationship with them?

This is where we can become confused. I know it is exciting to uncover our past lives – although we can often be so distracted by them to the detriment of this life. And how do we know if these past lives are actually our past lives or what the LCS or Akashic Records have shown us to assist us to grow? And for that matter does it even matter? Is there a difference between actually living the life ourselves or connecting into a life where we can grow from?
So the question then becomes what is the reason for our past lives? Taking this from Tom Campbell’s perspective we are here to Grow Up and each life is like a Sims game that helps us continue to evolve towards Love. We forget the game rules each life and we can’t really use what we learned before because we have forgotten what we learned each life – but we continue to evolve because this is what we are here to do. The lessons we have learned don’t need to be repeated because we have faced them and evolved from them. Then there are lessons that we continue to have because we haven’t faced these fears yet. These are likely what we chose this exact life to do – overcome a fear we have yet to face. Do we need the source of this fear to help us or is it just a distraction when we continue to overanalyze it? Does it become just a head game or can we have courage from our heart to grow up into Love?

I think as long as we continue to move forward and Grow Up that is the only thing that matters. Along our journey, we are bound to connect with people, places, and situations from past lives that trigger memories or glimpses into those lives. Sometimes they are wonderful people and memories and we feel a deep connection that embraces our Heart and allows us to remember “home”. These are the ways we hold Hope, Love and Acceptance in our Hearts. So maybe this is exactly why we have forgotten who we have been because when we do catch those brief memories and encounters it creates a beautiful experience to remind us of Love! And that is all that we really need to experience the Joy of Growing Up.

If you want to explore a Past Life and your connection to it & what it is teaching you… Get a Session with me today.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019


This has been an interesting month – many people are finding 2019 challenging so far. I have been excited and looking forward to spring and as I write this today we are just entering spring equinox. When considering the Canadian seasons winter, although often beautiful, is just too dark and cold most of the time. Once we reach equinox and have almost equal light to darkness (we get a few minutes more light at that time of the year) it is very welcomed – especially if it is sunny. What does any of this have to do with motivation? Well, we become motivated by many different things – for some of us it is shaking off the cold, short days of winter with the higher temperatures and enjoying the sunshine to motivate us to do spring cleaning – and of course stepping outside for more activities and focusing on a healthier lifestyle.

Yet often our motivation is through our fears. We often want a healthier lifestyle because we have had a health scare and we consider what we don’t want … like disease, excess weight, aging symptoms or aches and pains. Unfortunately this fear-based motivation isn’t a motivation that will sustain us through our desired outcome. Fear doesn’t motivate us enough to change; partially because we are always focused on what we don’t want. Whenever we are trying to change something within ourselves we continue to see, feel, hear, taste and smell the problem. For example: when we are experiencing pain we become focused on the pain and it is almost impossible to feel anything other than the physical pain we are hoping to alleviate.

Unfortunately fear-based motivation isn’t a motivation that will sustain us through our desired outcome.

Also, our negative ego is often engaged when we are motivated through our fears. Our ego uses old patterns from our childhood such as the need to justify we are ‘right’, the need to think that we need to manipulate to get what we want, and the need to fix the things we identify as ‘problems’. Once our ego is engaged – and it is virtually impossible to make a desired change without our ego – we sabotage our efforts to change. We begin by ‘doing’ something that will often bring us full circle back to maintaining the problem because our motivation is from our fears.

However how many people consider what our motivation is for change? As a society we are prone to measure our self-worth by ridiculous standards. Once we identify something as a problem – it is almost impossible to not be focused on it as a problem.

Our need to make changes is a worthy goal as we desire to Grow Up. But the problem lies in our intention and motivation. Our Intention and Motivation often are a result of our fears – it shows through the choices we make or whether we are judging or comparing ourselves and our self-worth through others. We identify a problem and we automatically consider what we can ‘do’ differently. This is our ego at its best.

So where do we start? What is our intention to change? What will motivate us to sustain change? Is it to Grow towards Love or fall prey to trying to evade those things that are impressed on us such as our fears or the negative things that we are willing to believe.

When we consider changing ourselves is it because there is shame, guilt, humiliation, and anger – or it is because we “blame” ourself or someone else? Are we thinking ourselves not good enough to live up to someone else’s standards or the ridiculous social standards that are really a way to control and conform us to their way – whoever ‘they’ are?

Or do we just not ‘do’ anything because it suggests that we are focused on the problem? Of course not! However, we have to look at the differences between ‘doing’ which comes from our head/ego and ‘Being’ which comes from who we are, our hearts and from how we are responding based on our feelings. This means that if we can find a way to BE happy, kind, loving, compassionate or peaceful while ‘doing’ what is required to change then we are coming from a state of BEing that comes from who we are. If we are ‘doing’ because we need to change and we are doing this because of our fears – like blame, shame, guilt, anger, humiliation or manipulation – then we won’t likely be able to sustain any of the changes we desire because we will be more focused on the negative aspects and this is hardly motivating. It may seem like semantics or too subtle to make a difference – but when it comes to motivation this is the difference between success and failure.

If we can find a way to BE happy, kind, loving, compassionate or peaceful while ‘doing’ what is required to change then we are coming from a state of BEing that comes from who we are.

Although a true spiritual teacher may say there is no such thing as success and failure as everything happens for a reason and everything is an opportunity to grow – I recognize that there is necessity in our lives for success. We want to live a long, healthy, happy and pain-free life.

We want to BE the best we can be while living. And change is usually necessary for us to experience this ‘best’. Change is part of Growing Up. And it is so difficult to grow up if we are desperately holding onto – as in ‘addicted’ – to anything that prohibits us from living our Best Life Possible. And that which prohibits us from living such lives could be anything that we feel we must hold onto firmly: sugar, drugs, sex, TV, manipulating others to getting what we want and more. (This would be too long a list to bring them all in so for further reading about addictions search for:
Addictions to Wholeness” or one of my interviews with Tom Campbell.)
So, what are you inspired to change with the turning of the seasons? More importantly: what is your motivation for changing? And since we are often guided by fear first – can you discover a way to be motivated through Love while acknowledging your fears as well? Can you shift what you want to change so that you can be motivated by BEing Loving, Compassionate and Kind to yourself? Can you focus on how you want to Feel instead of why you want to change – as focussing on why you want to change may bring up all your fears.

Let go of the fears that sabotage and Create a way to Live Your Greatest Life through how you want to BE! BE that! BE Love! Choose Love. Always!

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