Tuesday, 30 October 2018

BEing is a Choice

“’Doing’ is a means to an end but ‘Being’ is a choice.” This quote came to me as I was preparing for a meditation this month. I thought it was important because it embodies what I have been teaching for years now. Things happen and we react to what is happening by ‘doing’ something to change it if we don’t like what is happening. Even when our heart is in the right place we are still manipulating what is happening in our lives or the lives of others. We may try to fix, change, heal – but we are ‘doing’ something to manipulate what is happening. Doing is just a way to change our outside world. We may do things from fear or from a place of love – however it is still ‘doing’ something on the outside in hopes to change how we feel about what is happening on the inside. The outside world is dictating to us how to respond to a given situation. And this is backwards!

’Doing’ is a means to an end but ‘Being’ is a choice.

What happens to us isn’t a choice – how we respond to it is. How we choose to ‘show up’ to the world is a choice. How we choose to BE in any given moment is a choice. The outside dictates our reactions only when we are unconscious and stuck in linear time – thinking about the past or future and not in the NOW moment. We can choose to respond to any situation out of Love and Compassion. We can choose to BE happy or be angry when someone does something we don’t like. We can begin our day setting an intention of how we want to feel or BE during the day and make a conscious effort to remain in that energy all day regardless of what happens around us – because we have a choice! We are the only one who can choose how to ‘show up’ in our lives.

Let me explain the bit about being unconscious and stuck in linear time. When something happens – good or bad – we/our brain (ego) automatically reacts to situations from our past experiences and our reactions are mostly unconscious. This is our brain’s way of compartmentalizing various responses and how we create patterns. Our brain believes we have already ‘defined’ our experiences and our emotions and sees each event as similar to another event so our brain automatically responds the same way as it did in the past. This is typically where we get stuck – because we have responded to betrayal or an accident or pretty much anything that has ever happened to us in the same way as we have before. It is why we see the world the way we do. It is part of our ‘story’ and that story continues unconsciously until we begin to see the world for the first time again … as we stand in the present moment BEing fully conscious. Then and only then can we choose how we want to respond in any given situation. And also be aware that there is a choice in how to respond.

What happens to us isn’t a choice – how we respond to it is.

Let us consider our media – it is full of fear and promotes a world where fear establishes how we respond in situations and therefore we can be more easily manipulated towards buying certain products and reacting towards other life situations. Media seems to believe we need or want to stimulate our emotions through fear. How many shows, books, and news events are full of fear? In fact most newscasts are heavily permeated with events that elicit fear as a response. Of course fear is the opposite of love and consists of all the negative emotions like anger, frustration, envy, betrayal even hate. How many people are persuaded by the fear that is propagated via media? We believe that we are all victims just waiting for the next robber, murderer or other negative ‘event’ to happen. We are also in a world filled with organizations that believe they can help us by perpetuating the ‘victim mentality’. Our media elicits reactions from us by manipulating how we see, respond and share events. How many times have you changed how you viewed an event because media swayed your ‘feelings’ toward what happened or is about to happen? How many times have you made a decision on something like the legalization of marijuana (which occurred nationwide in Canada on Oct 17th) and you may have initially thought it was a good thing but then listened to the fear that the media proliferated and then you began to question your own beliefs and thoughts on the matter? This happens all the time and most of the time we are completely unaware why our belief may have changed. We don’t always recognize how fear manipulates our responses to situations where fear was not there in the past. We are manipulated to respond by outside influences and we react accordingly.

Some people even believe that fear is necessary to help us see the ‘truth’. There are many ‘spiritual teachers/leaders’ that believe that by revealing the truth – which is often laced with fear that this will assist us to grow. Maybe believing that only fear motivates change is how some may see it but I don’t adhere to that philosophy and I believe that no matter what is happening outside of us we have the choice to choose how we respond. In fact, I believe we can only change our outer world by facing our fears and choosing Love! Bringing us full circle – we have a choice – and we can choose Love or Fear within us first. By choosing Love we change what happens outside in the world. By choosing Fear we change what happens outside in our world. Events happen every moment of every day and bad things, bad events, can happen to good people – but are we ever really victims? I say NO because we can choose how we respond to any event. It doesn’t mean it won’t make us afraid – but fear doesn’t have to debilitate us. We can choose to move beyond the fear and do Great things by choosing to Love or by having compassion and empathy over living. Or we can respond in a fearful way.

I invite you to make a conscious choice how you want to BE and how you want to ‘show up’ in your life.

I invite you to make a conscious choice how you want to BE and how you want to ‘show up’ in your life. And as each day proceeds – we can make a conscious effort to BE how we want to BE! Our purpose is to Grow Up and this happens by our BEcoming conscious and choosing Love, Acceptance, and Compassion for ourselves and for others. Let’s create the world we want – not the world dictated to us through fear. When we ‘do’ something let’s be conscious of how we are feeling and BEing about it. Let’s do this from a place of BEing Love. My Heart to Yours. 

This entry was posted in Blog and tagged BEcoming LoveBEingBEing is a ChoiceConscious ChoicesIntuitive Counselingintuitive counselorLaurie HustonLove over Fear.

Content Source - https://www.intuitivesoul.com/being-is-a-choice

Monday, 1 October 2018

Failure and Responsibility

This month’s inspiration came again from Emmanuel Dagher and my beginning work with Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song. I think about many concepts in my mind as I grow on this journey. Last month I touched on Failure in Feelings vs Emotions. Since then the Fear of Failure has become a theme in my work. This is always a sign about the importance of something entering my life. And I pride myself on being a Leader by Example. When I go through something I know I can assist others. So the Fear of Failure is one of our deep core fears that can be responsible for blocking us from Thriving in this life. Plus: Responsibility is something I have examined many times – as I knew that this term “responsibility” carried a heavy weight. Emmanuel in our last Healing Session from Club Miracles shared that Lack of Prosperity often is because we feel too much “responsibility” in our lives and this ‘heaviness’ is closely related to our Fear of Failure.

Fear of Failure is one of our deep core fears that can be responsible for blocking us from Thriving in this life.

Let’s look at this concept of responsibility. When we feel a responsibility towards something or someone we feel obligated and can feel guilty or shame when we don’t measure up or perceive ourselves as a ‘failure’! I remember working at the Government and feeling the heavy weight of ‘responsibility’ towards colleagues, staff, clients and society as a whole. Then I would examine my anxiety around the responsibilities toward family obligations and even cleaning (as I have allergies with dust so cleaning would create other problems). This concept I had over ‘responsibility’ was way too dense and heavy energetically. I would begin to feel anxious at any hint of responsibility … until I figured it out and then I began to understand that it was my perceptions of responsibility that was to blame and not my work, family and home that was the problem. And I thought I had shifted it; clarified my relationship with responsibility. However, when Emmanuel was sharing our perceptions around financial freedom and that it is our fear of responsibility that is causing the blocks – I remembered my earlier understandings and realized that responsibility still plays a HUGE role in my fear around financial freedom. I look at Income Tax and specifically HST as a block – which is a responsibility that I don’t want.  However I also feel responsible to my clients, my listeners and the audience of my website. When something goes wrong I feel responsible for it.

Responsibility is a heavy burden that blocks us from living a stress free life. Emmanuel suggests that the only responsibility we have is to our Soul/Heart/I Am Presence and making our Sacred Self happy and expressing what It wants. Everything else is just irrelevant and noise in our life that blocks us from experiencing Unconditional Love and Acceptance. Now bring in our ‘Fear of Failure’ and ‘Responsibility’ and we see that they play a BIG role. Responsibility pushes us to DO what society or our own guilt and shame believes is ‘right’ and when that doesn’t happen or because we want to be ‘socially acceptable’ this triggers Fear of Failure. As a core fear, Failure/Success or Right/Wrong are intricately ingrained in Fear of Failure. This Fear of Failure is also ingrained in our Ego and in our mind’s attempt to control us, it pushes us to ‘do’ things – to fix, heal or manipulate our environment – it’s a fear we create where we perceive we aren’t successful or fear our own success as it all culminates in Fear of Failure. It is an interesting slide into propagating a core fear – Failure.

We perceive so many things – including relationships – as Failures yet nothing is a failure from our Highest Perspective. Our Higher Self knows that everything is perfect – that there is nothing to Do and all we need is to BE our Sacred Self. Yet how do we get to the place where we can understand how our fears wiggle into our minds and block us from expressing the Essence of Who we Are? We often don’t even see how core fears impact us. When I thought about failure I would not see that I feared failure because I felt successful in what I do. I feel so blessed that I can do what I love and no longer fear basic survival needs being met. However, if I look at ‘responsibility’ along with ‘Failure’, I can see that Fear of Failure is alive and well. It lies underneath where I haven’t allowed access consciously. Yet now I see it everywhere and showing up where it is unexpected. They say you are never given anything you can’t deal with but what happens when you don’t see it? Unfortunately the fears don’t go away because you don’t see them. And of course if we are serious about Growing Up then when we are ready teachers or teachings come into our lives to help us understand ourselves better and uncover our fears.

Our Higher Self knows that everything is perfect – that there is nothing to Do and all we need is to BE our Sacred Self.

I invite you to begin to recognize when you may have a fear hidden in your unconscious waiting to become conscious so that you can work with it. Peace Mother offered a wonderful tool when helping us observe our fears – by making lists of people or situations that still hold energy that is unloved within us. For as long as I can remember I get upset when things don’t go the way I wanted, my fear of Responsibility showing up, and this is because I have felt betrayed by teachers and anyone who should provide reliable service. It was my fear of being betrayed and disappointed due to my own fears around Responsibility. Peace Mother suggested creating lists of people and situations that still hold some energy and pray, bless and find forgiveness for each one. I believe part of the dilemma we have is that we don’t always know what fears we have and how the core fears – Fear of being alone, Fear of Failure, Fear of losing something (death), and Fear of the Unknown – are underlying our thoughts and feelings and are unconscious within us. I invite you to find a way to check in with your Sacred Self and ask what our Higher Self/Soul really wants instead of what our ego wants. My Heart to Yours.