Tuesday, 31 January 2017

The Question of Love

February is Love month on Intuitive Soul and as I pondered what I wanted to write this year, two very important signs came into my awareness. I watched “Arrival” and I prepared for my second interview with Linda Howe. Why are these important? In some ways they don’t have anything to do with love and in other ways they can shift your awareness of love completely.

In the movie “Arrival” I was completely enthralled with the last question Louise asks Ian: “If you could see the whole story of your life from start to finish would you change things?” Without giving away the movie this is the perfect question for all of us. If you knew your whole life story would you make different choices? Would you live life to the fullest, knowing that things will happen, but we can choose how we want to respond to them? We don’t have to Love differently just because we know that someone will leave or die! We can choose to embrace all the beauty and perfection that exists in this moment.

It made me think: just because someone is going to leave does it mean it was less significant or that it was a failure? We have a tendency to protect our heart believing our heart can be broken. We also tend to create addictions so that we don’t have to feel our discomfort. What if that wasn’t really why we were here? That it isn’t about the love we are able to hold onto but rather the capacity to love. What if everyone in our lives are here to assist us to expand our ability to open our hearts, to Love unconditionally and to know we are loved? This is what we all want anyway, to love and be loved. So why would we love less or feel less loved just because someone leaves? And why do we believe that once they leave we have to throw out everything that reminds us of that relationship?

This pondering led me to my second sign. I was preparing for Linda Howe’s interview about her book “Healing through the Akashic Records: Using the Power of Your Sacred Wounds to Discover Your Soul’s Perfection”. She talks about the purpose of people in our lives triggering our Sacred Wounds and that the role of the offender is to teach us to love unconditionally! Does it get more powerful than that?

So if we can see our whole life from start to finish and we knew about all the relationships in our life and we knew from our Soul’s Purpose it is about learning to love unconditionally would we change anything? Or could we just stop worrying about the length or whether this relationship becomes ‘the one’? Could we just enJOY every moment we have and LOVE?

To me this changes everything. I personally have gotten all caught up in my relationships: from friends to the friends who leave, to my romantic relationships or the lack thereof, to whether once I begin dating thinking of where this will go instead of just enjoying the time I get to spend with them. My ‘Sacred Wound’ is abandonment and although I have learned to stop taking things so personally it is still my Sacred Wound and it is still the primary concern I have when people stop communication with me. I still wonder what have I done wrong. Knowing that my Sacred Wound is really what I have chosen to help me love unconditionally definitely adds a new dimension to my life. Knowing that the friends and lovers in my life are here to help me love unconditionally is a very profound thought! Even the ones who appeared to betray or hurt me are actually still here to show me how to love unconditionally.

Think about the implications of this and the question of love. Love is! Love isn’t attached to a person, place or thing. It is the expression of our Soul. It is the expression of Source. If every encounter and every trigger of our Sacred Wound is really an opportunity to Love unconditionally what would that look like? And would we, could we, change each opportunity if we knew our lives from start to finish? Or is it a matter of how we choose to experience each moment and relationship? In “Arrival” the question was quite a bit more intense however and my questions arose because of how powerful this one question is.

Things will continue to ‘happen’ around us, relationships will come and go, but our capacity to love is unlimited. The question of love isn’t “Will it happen?”; it is “Can I love unconditionally?”

Love month isn’t just about romantic love, friendship or family love, it isn’t about the confusion around self-love, it is: can I love unconditionally? Can I release the need to only love when the right circumstances occur? Can I love knowing that this person can leave or die? Can I love without judgment? Can I look into another’s eyes and see the unconditional love they have within them? Can I know that they are in my life, whether for a long time or short time, to teach me about unconditional love?

I choose to say ‘YES’ but my Sacred Wound is still there and it may always be there but at least now I am knowing that it is there in the first place to help me Love Unconditionally. When can we let go of this need to change, fix, or heal our Sacred Wound and just BE … and loving unconditionally ourselves and others? And enJOYing the ever present moment regardless of how long it will last or whether or not it will hurt us later. I choose to see Love differently now. I choose to see my Sacred Wound differently now. I choose LOVE! How about you?

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Peace Force on Earth Teleclass

Hi Friend..

I am very excited to share with you that I will be featuring as a guest speaker in a new summit, PeaceForceonEarth, hosted by Sindhu Singh, MD, and launching on Jan 27th 2017.

PeaceForceonEarth is truly a quantum connection venture- all that you have to do is to state an intention of being on calls within your heart-  Prayers and intentions set forth in ethers by Sindhu will make sure that you are included in evolutionary work on this summit, and supported by beings of Light.

We are in midst of an extraordinary evolutionary process and humanity is experiencing floods and floods of divine light like never before..
  • How do you deal with negativity and chaos that is surfacing to be transmuted?
  • How do you build a solid foundation for next millennium to come?
  • How do you realize your true self and find peace in that being?
  • How do you start living in harmony with mother earth?
  • How do you start experiencing joy, divine grace, eternal youth, vitality, strength, perfect health?
Sindhu has undertaken a tremendous task of lining up experts, healers, coaches who will work with you to assist you in your divine journey.
Sindhu personally works with a number of divine beings of Light including AA Michael, AA Raphael, Mother Mary, Babaji, Sai Baba, Saint Kasturi, just to name a few and her efforts on this summit are guided by these great beings.
A vast majority of light workers are carrying within themselves, not only memories and experiences of Atlantis and Lemuria but also the gifts that they were blessed with during these lifetimes- in this new age, as we ascend, gifts are unfolding as well—
  • How do you realize what your true gifts are?
Work with us to enhance these gifts, that’s what this summit is for!
You will receive three complimentary MP3 upon sign up, as our huge thanks to you!
  1. Heart based meditation by Laurie Huston
  2. Choosing Peace by Mantara/Matt Andrews
  3. Releasing Anxiety and overload by Michelle Carter
With Love and an Open Heart, Laurie

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Intuition, Prophecy and Visions Teleclass


Do you want to know about your future, and receive your own psychic visions?
You have these abilities and so much more!

That’s what we’re talking about in this fascinating free event, Intuition, Prophecy and Visions.

Free Sign Up Here

I am one of the teachers interviewed and we get right to the heart of it – overcoming challenges in intuitive development, how personal growth enhances intuitive senses, taking the next step to grow your psychic abilities and be led through intuitive exercises!

We want to help you enhance the incredible psychic abilities within you. You’ll be learning practical approaches for using your intuition to more easily navigate your life.

Sign Up Free Here

With Love and an Open Heart,

P.S. I joined with New Three University, who is hosting this event, because we are passionate about empowering you into your own abilities. You’ve got to check this out: Intuition, Prophecy and Visions with myself and New Three University HERE!