Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Holidays and Gratitude!

As we come into the Holiday Season, which is always a Magical time for me, I want to offer a way for us all to BE Grateful for all that we have.

October was a very challenging month for me and November allowed me to uncover new ways and new perspectives to come into alignment with my Health and Well-Being. I am feeling better than I have in years and my energy and health have improved significantly. What changed? Well despite two mega doses of antibiotics and some natural health supplements to super charge my immune system perhaps what changed is that we are in the end of the nine year cycle (As previously discussed, 2016 is a 9 year in numerology and after Sept 9th [9-9-9] to Jan 1st, 2017 [1-1-1] when we begin a new cycle we will be releasing a lot of ‘things’ that are no longer necessary in our lives; from people to beliefs.) and I believe that cycle is what has been holding me in a certain pattern that is finally ready to be released. And in this ‘feeling good’ phase of my life I now feel like I have outgrown the limiting aspect of this cycle!

So, I have a lot to be Grateful for!

I came across this beautiful interview with Buddhist Monk Phap Dung in response to the question about what people can do who are feeling very fearful and uncertain about America and the planet. His response was beautifully worded! [For the full interview go here… http://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2016/11/22/13638374/buddhist-monk-mindfulness.]

“We see the mind like a house, so if your house is on fire, you need to take care of the fire, not to go look for the person that made the fire. Take care of those emotions first; it’s the priority. Because anything that comes from a place of fear and anxiety and anger will only make the fire worse. Come back and find a place of calm and peace to cool the flame of emotion down.”

 I felt this quote was especially pertinent to all that is going on this last month and how we can take time this Holiday Season to take care of Our House and not project our fears, anxiety and anger onto our friends and family. The holidays can be particularly stressful for many people and emotions come up. And these emotions come up for us during the Holidays are often triggered by something related to what occurred during the first seven years of our lives. With the added anxieties that many are experiencing – especially in this season – we have an opportunity to ‘Remember the Magic’ and be in charge of how we want to BE and how we want to respond instead of directing the fire outside of us!

Taking responsibility for our reactions and emotional fears is something that isn’t always easy and is something that we would rather blame on someone else. These reactions and fears are the triggers that our egos would rather not deal with nor take responsibility for. Holidays often dredge up some of our worst fears and reactions – our disappointments, feeling alone, feeling unsupported, sensing unexpressed anger and sadness – that we often don’t acknowledge as they lie deep below the surface of our unconscious until triggered. Our families often take the brunt of these reactions.

However, this time of the year has another energy available to us. It is the Magical Beauty of Giving and Loving, the True Spirit of Christmas. I like to remind my listeners and readers every year that the Magic of the Holiday season is beautifully powerful. It exists because of the underlying energy available around unconditional giving and sharing. It exists because of the saying that is so prevalent everywhere: “Peace on Earth and Good Will towards Men”. I prefer to believe the use of ‘Men’ is a general statement that doesn’t reflect which gender we are and that this statement offers a Blessing for everyone. This Blessing forwards a prayer into the world that is sacred to those we love as well as to the planet and reflects an energy that we can tap into.

Gratitude and the Magic of the Holidays are similar energies that we can tap into if we remember and uncover the child-like innocence of our youth. When we can find the ‘gift’ in all our experiences and the Higher Purpose that is always present – or accept that there is a ‘higher purpose’ even when we can’t see it – we can tap into Gratitude and further the Magical energy of Unconditional Love and Sharing in the Holiday Season. When we can tap into the child-like exuberance of the innocence of our youth before love became conditional we experience similar energies.

To me it is about finding your inspiration. I’m often inspired by magical movies like Harry Potter (the first three movies before the series became darker), Fantastic Beasts, and Christmas themed movies (any time of the year). I’m equally inspired by the magical remembrance of a first kiss and falling in love or the love of a pet. Pets to me are very special. If you have never experienced the unconditional love of a pet before I would recommend it.

I encourage you to find your inspiration and Remember the Magic of the Holidays while BEing Grateful for all that is YOU. And remember that you can Share Unconditionally this Love and Gratitude from within to all that is outside you.

I wish you all the Happiest Holiday Season, full of Magic and Gratitude!

With Love and an Open Heart, Laurie

For more at- https://www.intuitivesoul.com/

Friday, 25 November 2016

A Meditation Just for YOU

Does stress, anxiety, self-sabotage, and sleeplessness create obstacles on your path to achieving health, happiness and success?  Do you wish to overcome your fears and act on your dreams, hopes and passions?  Or simply begin — or end– your day being connected to your inner BE-ing?

The best way to bring about feelings of calm for the body, heart and soul is to seek inner peace and banish negativity through meditation. It can also empower your mind to take control of your physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual well-being!

I am now offering a unique gift idea this holiday season—-a Personalized Ten Minute Meditation. Order one today for You or someone You Love.

Only $25


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Resistance to Letting Go

This has been a challenging (interesting) month. With the passing of my heart, then getting a terrible infection/flu and fraudulent charges to a credit card, resistance has been showing up in my life BIG TIME! Plus, Halloween is the year anniversary of my brother passing away. I guess I should have expected something to come up because I explored the topic of resistance last month.

So, as resistance continued to present itself I came across a book (first the audio book and then I purchased the e-book) of one of my favorite teachers, David Hawkins, called “Letting Go: the Pathway to Surrender”. I’m not sure if this is the last book he wrote before he passed because some of it felt old and out of date and the rest of it was critical to what I needed. Currently Hay House has this e-book for only $1.99 until Nov 7th both US and CAD; a wise investment.

I realized that the process of Letting Go is not a new concept as I have read books on a similar theme including “Busting Loose from the Money Game” by Robert Scheinfeld (Wiley 2006), and I have written extensively on this theme in my blogs during a time when I knew I needed to Let Go. However, when it comes to the Resistance I have been experiencing this month I knew how important a process it was going to be. In fact, David Hawkins believes that the process of Letting Go leads to enlightenment and raising our map of consciousness to that of Peace (1st stage of enlightenment calibrates at 600. To know more about David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness go here).

So, what was I resisting? It seemed that my theme of resistance created a clear path to areas in my life that I haven’t been conscious of. My health concerns, which I have been working on for the past few years, seemed to get amplified by a fever of 102 which, considering I usually run a bit cooler than average, felt all encompassing. However, instead of shifting to acceptance and allowing so that I could “Let Go”, I began focusing on the pain and figuring out where it was coming from and why it was so debilitating. My focus was on resisting it! I wasn’t seeing the Divine in any of it. I was resisting getting medical attention because I dislike antibiotics and felt it was viral. Although part of it may have begun as a viral infection another part of me knew that it was a tooth infection that was going septic through my blood. The pain continued to get worse and if I closed my eyes to see where the pain stemmed from it was coming from my tooth.

Then the question of why I wasn’t healing viral and bacterial infections arose. Several years ago I was working with someone who kept telling me how sick I was and I just couldn’t create a healing energy to fight these numerous different ailments. And therein lied the problem: we try and ‘fight’ illness. We “Resist” illness!

I knew the answer lied in “Letting GO”!

But what is Letting GO? It comes from the acceptance of the Divine within us. It comes from remembering “Who we are”; from moving into the NOW moment and shinning the Essence of “Who we are” through us. It is from acknowledging that thoughts are caused by repressed or suppressed feelings and that these repressed or suppressed feelings are creating illness within our bodies. We surrender a feeling by allowing it to be there without condemning, judging or “Resisting” it. We also need to “Let Go” or “surrender to” the underlying payoff of that which makes us ill (such as accepting our own victimization or even accepting energy from others that acknowledges us as being victims).

Feelings aren’t the Real Self; the Real Self, the Inner Self, always remains the same and is our “True Essence”, our Divine Nature. When we remember “Who we are” we can “Let GO” from the higher perspective of our Real Self. However sometimes we need to feel our feelings instead of continuously distracting ourselves because we are uncomfortable. Feeling is the only way to release the energy underneath our ‘resistance’ because if we don’t know what we are feeling we probably don’t even know that we are repressing or suppressing and resisting in the first place.

The thing is: I think we all are aware of the areas we are resisting. They are the areas that aren’t flowing in our lives. I just chose to see all of my resistances within these six weeks because I began looking at resistance as a theme. And what we look at grows!

I guess I chose mid September and October to become aware of what I needed to see in my life so that I could truly move forward and walk my talk. I’ve been choosing to evolve my consciousness towards love and transcend areas that I’ve been avoiding in my life even when I thought I was ‘seeing’ them.

As I write this my infection continues because there is an emotion that I’m not “Letting Go” of and that emotion maintains dis-ease even with the extra strength antibiotics I am on and I think this is because I’m requesting to fully embrace “letting go” and I know when that will be complete: when either I accept what is happening to me or I fully ‘let go’ of whatever has it’s grasp, presently, on my physical body.

I am choosing to “Let GO” and I know that this process will happen as long as I stop distracting myself with what is “happening” and accept and “Let Go and Let GOD” into the part of me that knows my Divine Spark and Remembers Who I AM!

See more at- https://www.intuitivesoul.com/